Dec 25, 2008  •  In Personal

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Love, Jenny & J You may also like: Life Update, 1 Year Later The Neverending Period My Top 7 Foundations Happy Father’s Day

Dec 24, 2008  •  In Geek, Personal

Christmas Lights Techno Show

Merry Christmas Eve! J and I are hosting a dinner party tonight and so I’m currently taking a break from cooking. Thanksgiving-style turkey, spinach & artichoke dip, and holiday cookies, oh my! If you are looking for additional entertainment this holiday season, look no further. Check out this magnificent Christmas lights show, set to “Amazing […]

Dec 24, 2008  •  In Android, Gadgets, Geek

I Gots Myself a G1!

As much as I love my Voyager, I think I’ve overused it. I use it in lieu of an iPod or the radio. I activate its kickass navigation system (which talks to me!) whenever driving to an unknown location. I overdose on its web browser. So it did not come as a surprise when the […]

Dec 18, 2008  •  In Personal, Random

The Year 2008 in Pictures

The Boston Globe has posted an amazing set of pictured The year 2008 in photographs (part 1 of 3). Wow. Some of the photographs are achingly beautiful. Others are downright brutal. So many paint pictures of loss and suffering, the magnitude of which I can only imagine. I have some unpleasant things going on in […]

Dec 18, 2008  •  In Personal

The Secret’s Out, Kinda

I do not like announcing private posts anymore, but this is important enough for me to share. Well, important enough to share but personal enough not to make public. Go check out my private blog. (And hit up the FAQs if you’re not sure how to access it.) You may also like: Life Update, 1 […]

Dec 15, 2008  •  In Funny, Science

BJs May Prevent Breast Cancer

Men all over the world are rejoicing at this news: Study: Fellatio may significantly decrease the risk of breast cancer in women Now they have a valid excuse to say, “But honey, it’s good for you!” You may also like: Website of the Day: Sad Animal Facts YOU SHALL NOT PASS! Mathematical Dance Moves How […]

Dec 15, 2008  •  In Entertainment, Funny

Governor Paterson on SNL

As a huge fan of Fox’s House, I made sure to catch last night’s SNL which was hosted by none other than Hugh Laurie, Dr. House himself. While Mr. Laurie’s performance was pretty good, it was Fred Armisen and Amy Poehler who stole the show. Fred Armisen made his debut as New York’s Governor Paterson, […]

Dec 14, 2008  •  In Art/Design, Logos/Branding, Marketing/Advertising

The Other Obama Logos

Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign was one of the most prolific and viral in American history. And never before had a logo been so prominently and massively been used in a presidental election. Designed by Sender LLC in Chicago, the logo consists of an O with the center suggesting a sun rising over fields in […]

Dec 14, 2008  •  In Geek, Wishlist

Ninja Star Magnets

These would look tight on my refrigerator… Too bad they’re on backorder until 1/15/09! If you can wait until then, go ahead and order here. [Via Core77] You may also like: Star Wars Meets Little Golden Books OMGz I Want This Book Shakespeare’s Star Wars Final Fantasy 25th Anniversary Set [I Want!]