Dec 14, 2008  •  In Personal, Relationships

A Lady in the Streets but a Freak in the Sheets

A guy friend recently lamented, “It is so hard to find a girl who is a lady in the streets but a freak in the sheets.” Now I’m pretty sure he didn’t mean this in a purely sexual way…rather, he was frustrated that all the girls he’s been meeting are party animals or goody two […]

Dec 14, 2008  •  In Books, Funny, Movies

‘Twilight’ Translated by Cracked

You already know my thoughts on Twilight. I always thought I was in the minority for not falling head over heels for the story. That’s why it delights me whenever I find someone who agrees that it ain’t all that. Cracked has written a hilarious post titled, If ‘Twilight’ Was 10 Times Shorter And 100 […]

Dec 14, 2008  •  In Android, Gadgets

Let’s Move to China

Lenovo (yes, that Lenovo – the one that doesn’t make cell phones) has designed a cell phone to comply to China Mobile’s Open Mobile System, with Google’s Android at its core. The thing is, it looks pretty dope. Deliciously beautiful, in fact. Too bad we will never see it stateside. After my elation at such […]

Dec 8, 2008  •  In Career, Personal

Different Ways to Facilitate the Same Idea

I had a mild epiphany at my birthday party Saturday night. J and a friend were discussing the possibility of a new start-up venture, when I noticed something interesting about the conversation. Our friend, who works in finance, approached the situation from a “How can I make money from this?” point-of-view. J’s first instinct was […]

Dec 7, 2008  •  In Personal

Happy Birthday to Me

Twenty-eight years ago, this little booger was born: Heppy bufshday to meeeh! You may also like: Life Update, 1 Year Later The Neverending Period My Top 7 Foundations Happy Father’s Day

Dec 5, 2008  •  In Personal

My “True Age”

A few years ago, I took an online quiz that gave you your “true age” based on your favorite activities, personality traits, and reactions to different hypotetical situations. Your “true age” would reveal not only your perceived maturity level, but also the age range that represents your sense of self the most. I had believed that I […]

Dec 4, 2008  •  In Funny, Web

Links of the Day

8 Things Modern Vampires Could Learn From “The Lost Boys” *** Super Mario Star Found In Nature! *** 10 Great Moments in Beer History *** First Teddie Bear Astronauts Conquer Space *** 12 Of The Best Payback Moments in Film   Enjoy! You may also like: 13 Reasons Why Humans Are the Cutest Animals Website […]

Dec 3, 2008  •  In Beauty, Reviews

Product Review: Jonathan Serious Volume Shampoo & Conditioner

Ever since I watched the first two seasons of Bravo’s Blow-Out, I’ve wanted to try the Jonathan line of hair products. A couple of months ago, I picked up a sample jar of Jonathan’s Dirt at my local Sephora. It was the most popular product in Jonathan’s product line and I was tempted to try […]

Dec 3, 2008  •  In Funny

Alternate Currency

I know a lot of people who would be ecstatic to see this happen…     …including myself. Via xkcd.    You may also like: 13 Reasons Why Humans Are the Cutest Animals Anatomy of the Holidays [Comic] Marvel Comics: What If? Will Rohan Answer?

Dec 3, 2008  •  In Korean, Relationships

Going to Jail for Adultery

A couple of weeks ago, Korean actress Ok So Ri made headlines for being on trial for adultery. After admitting in court to the affair, Ok So Ri took the case to the South Korean Constitutional Court in an attempt to overturn the country’s anti-adultery law. The law was enacted fifty years ago to protect […]