Jan 29, 2009  •  In Art/Design, Personal

Chinese New Year Card

Last week I decided to start painting again. It was a perfect time to start – with J’s birthday, another close friend’s birthday, and the lunar new year coming up, I wanted to paint cards for these occassions. A fantastic way to save money and squeeze out some creativity juice! So I busted out my […]

Jan 28, 2009  •  In Blogging, Funny

Stalking My Visitors

One of the many things I love about Squarespace is that it provides statistics that rival that of Google Analytics. In addition to this “Traffic Overview” page (which is updated every minute!), there also exists pages for: Referrers Popular Content Subscribers Queries Detailed Activity Now I don’t know about you, but I love finding out […]

Jan 27, 2009  •  In Personal, Relationships

Kept Women, Part 2

A couple of years ago I wrote an entry titled Kept Women which drew much ire from the Xanga community. I received over 200 comments, the large majority of them from angry feminists who condemned me for even having such thoughts. The Real Housewives of Orange County – true kept women? Now, since becoming unemployed, […]

Jan 27, 2009  •  In Personal

Happy Birthday to the Hubs!

Happy birthday to my best friend with benefits! I love this old picture of him – he looks so happy and innocent. Oh how the years have changed you…just kidding! In all seriousness…happy 31st. Looking forward to spending all of your years with you. <3 You may also like: Life Update, 1 Year Later The […]

Jan 21, 2009  •  In Random

A Picture of Me at the Inauguration

Here I am, standing just a few feet away from our new President at the inauguration: Can you spot me? Go pretend you were there too, using MyInauguralPhoto.com. Via TechCrunch. You may also like: What Would Your Name Be If You Were Born Today? How Well Can You Read Others’ Emotions? [The Eye Test] How […]

Jan 21, 2009  •  In Personal, Relationships

Morbid Discussions

A couple of days ago I woke up feeling utterly crappy. I didn’t have a fever (yet) but I felt that undeniable sensation of arghh-what-the-heck-is-my-body-up-to-now. As the day progressed a fever developed, and my right cheek was beginning to swell. Not noticeably, but enough that the skin stretched tight and shiny across my cheekbone. Luckily […]

Jan 18, 2009  •  In Blogging

Sidebar: Left or Right?

I am pretty certain that a large portion of my readers have blogs of their own. Do you have a sidebar? If so, is it on the right, left, or both? I recently read an interesting article discussing the merits of both right and left sidebars. I contemplated my own sidebar position. And after much […]

Jan 18, 2009  •  In Personal, Sports

The AFC Championship Game

Last week, J admitted to me that he would’ve never married me if I were a Steelers fan. That, my friends, is a sign of a true Baltimore Ravens fan. Sidenote #1:  For those who are not aware, the Baltimore Ravens and Pittsburgh Steelers have what has been dubbed the “NFL’s nastiest rivalry.” See here. […]

Jan 16, 2009  •  In Personal, Relationships

My In-and-Out Valentine

Last year, I found out about the White Castle Valentine’s Day Dinners. Participating White Castles take reservations for this event. You are greeted at the door by a host/hostess dressed to the nines, who will escort you to your tablecloth-covered, candlelit table. (Pictures from Off The Broiler) It was perfect for us! We immediately made […]

Jan 16, 2009  •  In NYC, Personal, Twitter

My Reaction to USAir Flight 1549

Earlier today, a US Airways plane carrying 155 passengers crash-landed into the Hudson River. I immediately had three reactions to the incident.   Reaction #1: Pray for the passengers and crew I have only began to re-realize the power of prayer and I love the impact it is having on my life. My prayer only […]