Jun 23, 2010  •  In Geek, Infographics, Information, Video Games

How to Beat Super Mario 3 in 11 Minutes

I don’t care what anyone says. Super Mario Bros 3 is the best Mario game of all time, hands down. And while this instructional graphic takes some of the fun out of the game, it’s still pretty impressive to say the least. (Click to view large.) Via BuzzFeed. You may also like: Two Fascinating, Potentially […]

Jun 23, 2010  •  In Food, Personal, Travel

Peanuts on Planes

Today I read that the DOT is considering a ban on in-flight peanuts. This made me very sad for two reasons: 1.) I can’t remember the last time I was offered a package of peanuts on an airplane. And I used to love those suckers! Watch/listen to this hilarious clip from a stand-up show by Ellen […]

Jun 23, 2010  •  In Art/Design

Hang Me Some Tea [Package Design TDF]

I love the whimsical, “why hasn’t anyone thought of this before?” design of these hanger teabags by designer Soon Mo Kang. Via Yanko Design. You may also like: Secret Invasion Ads, Remixed If Star Wars Was Set in an 80’s High School If Jesus Had Been Korean Watch Star Wars in Text Animation

Jun 22, 2010  •  In Blogging, Personal, Web

Disagreeing vs Trolling

Among the 500+ sites I subscribe to on Google Reader, there has been much talk about trolls as of late. While I firmly believe that true trollers consist of mean-spirited persons who have nothing better to do, I have also been noticing a trend toward labeling commenters as trolls and jumping all over them simply […]

Jun 22, 2010  •  In Baby, Personal, Pregnancy

25 Weeks

Things are progressing slowly but surely. I am feeling more and more movements above my belly button, whereas before most of the kicks and punches stayed in the lower regions. I have also started to feel simultaneous jabs this week (ie, one on my upper right side and the other on the bottom left) which […]

Jun 22, 2010  •  In Android, Gadgets, Geek, Reviews

Swype for Android

Last week, the ingenius text input system Swype opened its beta for the Android platform — for free — and so I immediately downloaded a copy. image source Swype eliminates the need to tap out individual letters when typing on a touchscreen device. Instead, you glide your finger from letter to letter, forming words without your […]

Jun 21, 2010  •  In Books, Entertainment, Reviews


I know we’re only two episodes in, but I’m loving the new season of True Blood so far. As someone who owns, and has read all the Southern Vampire Mysteries books, I can confidently say that the HBO series is significantly better than the books. There are, of course, some digressions and cast choices with which I […]

Jun 21, 2010  •  In Facebook, Geek, Information, Web

Social Gaming & Zynga [Infographic]

Even when my Facebook account was still active, I never got into the likes of Mafia Wars, Farmville, and Restaurant City. However, J was — and still is — into his Facebook games and often spends his free time trading weapons, planting veggies, re-decorating his restaurant, and whatnot. While I have never played these games, […]

Jun 21, 2010  •  In Career, Personal

What is the Best Way to End a Professional Relationship?

When I quit my last job, I sooo wanted to march into my supervisor’s office, happily declare, “I QUIT!” and go on a tirade on everything I hated about working there. But all the professional advice I have heard and read advised against it. They told me that if I had major beef with the boss […]

Jun 20, 2010  •  In Geek, Relationships, Star Wars

Star Wars Father’s Day Video Card

Back in May, I asked J if he would be doing anything for me for Mother’s Day. “Why? The baby’s not born yet,” was his response. Well, obviously not everyone shared his sentiments because when I called my own mother to wish her a happy Mother’s Day she wished the same for me in return. […]