Click on the image above for the full, 3150×2100 version. Here are some details: Prints can be purchased available at Squidspot, with different variations (including a colored version) available. Via Behance. You may also like: Typography: Bold & Justified [Infographic] The World of Star Wars: A Timeline Visualization CSS Sans: A Typeface Made Purely of […]
Survival Tracking Guide [Ninjas Rock]
Posting will be light this weekend — or at least only filled with fluff pieces like this — as I am sick. Who the heck gets a cold in July? Me, apparently. Stupid pregnancy and its suppressed immune system! Both J and I couldn’t help but crack up as we saw this — beware of […]
How to Win Rock-Paper-Scissors
And here I thought rock-paper-scissors is a game of chance. Who would’ve thought that there is actual strategy involved, or that there are actual tournaments sponsored by the World Rock Paper Scissors Society, with a $50k prize for the winner? Via Flowing Data. You may also like: The Disapproval Matrix What Would Your Name Be If You […]
My Response to Anne Rice Leaving Christianity
Yesterday, author Anne Rice caused quite a stir when she publicly announced on her Facebook page that she has decided to “quit” Christianity. For those who care, and I understand if you don’t: Today I quit being a Christian. I’m out. I remain committed to Christ as always but not to being “Christian” or to […]
Heineken R2-D2
Have I mentioned that I’ve been having dreams of drinking a cold, frothy beer? And I wake up happy and thirsty for more, only to realize that I still have at least 2 more months to go before I can indulge in my beer cravings? (Yes, I’ve tried non-alcoholic beer. And yes, they suck donkey […]
30 Weeks
I now have less than 10 weeks left until my due date! But when you think about it, I’m only 3/4 of the way done, which makes me think with an exasperated sigh, “That’s it??” The impatient side of me wants this baby out NOW. The discomforts of the third trimester continue, and I really really envy […]
North Korea is Strong…Oh So Very Strong!
Don’t believe me? Just take a look at the source code of the official webpage of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea: Via The Daily What. You may also like: 3 Things I Found on the Internet Today Browser Girls Because Sharing is Caring [Memos from Nick Fury] Southwest Airlines Landing Gear Failure Prompts Fake […]
The Longest Photographic Exposures in History
German photographer Michael Wesely specializes in long exposure photography. Using a self-built pinhole camera, his photographs have captured the light of its subjects for up to three years. In 2001, he was invited by the Museum of Modern Art in New York to capture the re-development of their building. He set up four cameras in four […]
Videogame WebMD
Via Dorkly. You may also like: Honest Video Game Box Art If “Super Mario Bros” Was Remade Video Game Character Butchering Charts The Konami Code Meets “The Last Supper”
What to Search When You’re Expecting [Google Search Story]
This video seems particularly fitting for our life at the moment. Although I have to admit that I’m the one doing most of the reading and researching…J’s attitude seems to be more along the lines of, “Just tell me what I need to pay for, where I need to be, and how to not hold […]