Mar 5, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Baby, Books, Claire, Geek, Parenting, Personal

Goodnight Dune

I try to read to Claire every day but I must admit that I still feel a bit silly reading to an infant whose neverending drool threatens to soak the book with each turn of the page. And frankly, I find most books that are designed to be read to babies are…well, boring. Oh how I […]

Mar 4, 2011  •  In Apple, Baby, Claire, Funny, Gadgets, Geek, Parenting, Toys

Conan’s Honest iPad 2 Promotional Video

As I’m sure the majority of my readers are already aware, last week the iPad 2 was announced with a flourish only reserved for Apple’s cult products. Despite the not-too-impressive advances from the original iPad (to me, thinning the profile and slapping two mediocre cameras to the device do not warrant a significant upgrade), thousands […]

Mar 4, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Books, Geek, Infographics

Harry Potter: Facts Revealed [Infographic]

This Harry Potter infographic was compiled in “The Daily Prophet” wizarding newspaper style. It’s a bit difficult to read, but cleverly arranged and a must-read for any Harry Potter fan. Via Nerd Approved. P.S. — Speaking of Harry Potter facts, I am still eagerly awaiting the inevitable release of a Harry Potter edition of Trivial Pursuit. […]