Jul 7, 2011  •  In Baby, Claire, Motherhood, Personal

The 9 Month Checkup

We took Claire to the pediatrician for her 9 month checkup this morning…and it was awful. Don’t get me wrong — she was declared perfectly healthy and we were told not to worry about a thing. The awful part was that I had never seen my baby girl cry so much at the doctor’s office […]

Jul 6, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Funny, NYC

The World Map of Useless Stereotypes

Admittedly, the map seems a bit centered around New York, but hey, it was created for the NYTimes Magazine! You may also like: Judgemental Subway Map of Manhattan What if the Family Circus Lived in Park Slope… The Internet as Manhattan Neighborhoods How Archer is Just Like Futurama

Jul 6, 2011  •  In Aerin, Art/Design, Blogging, Books, Personal, Pregnancy

Brain Dump

As I rolled out of bed this morning, I almost collapsed to the floor in a ball of agony. “Hello, pregnancy hip pains,” I muttered to myself. “Now I remember you!” Hip pains and crotch pains. Hip pains from my hip joints loosening (I was not officially diagnosed with Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction in my last pregnancy, but […]

Jul 5, 2011  •  In Claire, Comang, Motherhood, Parenting, Personal

Business Trip

No, not for me. I wish I could go on a business trip. I was only sent on 1-2 trips per year when I worked, so I actually quite enjoyed them and would LOVE to go on any sort of trip right now. The business trip is for J, who will be shipped off to Silicon Valley […]

Jul 4, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Personal, Twitter, Web

Tweets and Stripes

To my fellow Americans, Happy Independence Day! As usual, the web is filled with Fourth of July celebrations and dedications. My favorite for this year is Code for America’s Tweets and Stripes: The site aggregates twitter avatars from users who tweet about #July4 and beautifully mashes them up into a mosaic representation of the stars […]

Jul 3, 2011  •  In Baby, Cute, Funny, Web

Need a Pick-Me-Up?

I know that I certainly do. The past week hasn’t been the easiest on me, mentally as well as physically, and today I felt the accumulation of the stress come crashing into me with the force of an eighteen wheeler. Here’s to hoping that the next week will be better. And that whoever’s down in […]

Jul 2, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Books, Cute, Entertainment, Funny

Harry Potter Characters, South Park Style

deviantART user Sam Frank has painstakingly re-drawn every major recurring character in Harry Potter in the style of South Park. I especially love Moaning Myrtle — I immediately knew who she was at first glance! Via Bit Rebels. P.S. — Have you entered my Amazon Gift Card Giveaway yet? You can win $100, $50, or $25! […]

Jul 2, 2011  •  In Aerin, Baby, Claire, Motherhood, Parenting, Personal

9 Months & 22 Weeks

This past Thursday, Claire turned 9 months old and I became 22 weeks pregnant with BebeDeux. I feel that we’re due for an update, yes? First up: my Claire Bear. I haven’t been keeping track of Claire’s age by weeks, but according to BabyCenter she is now 39 weeks and 2 days old. I gave […]

Jul 1, 2011  •  In Funny, Twitter, Web

If Celebrity Tweets Were Honest

Via Cool Material. You may also like: What Social Networking Was Like Before the Internet Wednesday Rewind: The 10 Levels of Intimacy in Today’s Communication How Donuts Help Us Understand Social Media The Funniest Tweets of 2011