Oct 7, 2011  •  In Claire, Cute, Geek, Personal, Star Wars, Toys

Cloudy: The Good and the Bad

Remember Cloudy? No? Let’s see if this picture of Claire crotch-punching Cloudy rings a bell: I keep forgetting how TINY Claire used to be! She is now more than twice Cloudy’s size. You can read all about Cloud’s origins here, including the hilarious story behind her name. 🙂 Lately we have been keeping Cloudy near Claire’s diaper […]

Oct 6, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Entertainment, Funny

The Ladies of Madison Avenue: Playboy Edition

Tauntr, the site behind the fake Ben & Jerry’s pop culture ice cream flavors you’ve been seeing all over the web recently, has created four faux vintage covers of Playboy magazine featuring characters from the AMC hit show Mad Men. Now, I know at least some of my readers will be offended by my featuring Playboy covers here, […]

Oct 6, 2011  •  In Parenting, Personal, Relationships

The Rise of the New “Super People”

A few days ago, the NYTimes ran a op-ed piece titled “Super People” that left me pondering its implications and reactions. If you have a few spare minutes, I highly encourage you to read the article. If you do not, this paragraph sums up what “Super People” are: A brochure arrives in the mail announcing […]

Oct 6, 2011  •  In Apple, Geek, Personal

Eternal Flame

I remember that the first computer I ever used was a Mac. I remember learning Photoshop on a Mac. I remember buying my first Mac. I remember lining up for Apple OS X “Panther,” and how this was the very first geek-related launch party I ever attended. I remember squealing like a little girl when […]

Oct 5, 2011  •  In Aerin, Personal, Pregnancy

36 Weeks

There is now officially less than a month remaining until my due date. HOLY EFFING HELL! I also had a minor freakout last night, when I discovered that Bee, whose due date is a few days after mine, went into labor and had her daughter early in the morning. As happy as I am for […]

Oct 5, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Food, Funny, Geek, Video Games

Video Game Character Butchering Charts

Today, I am the featured blogger over at the BlogAds Blog! I have never been interviewed for anything like this before so I’m pretty excited. Click on over to read the interview — including the one thing my readers do not know about me — and a discount code for 50% off my regular ad […]

Oct 4, 2011  •  In Entertainment, Movies, NYC, Personal, Sports

Celebrity Sightings and Meetings

I just finished watching the season premiere of Dexter and was surprised to see that Colin Hanks would be playing this season’s villain. Don’t get me wrong — I know that he is a great actor and would probably knock the role out of the park, but having met him in person, it is a bit […]

Oct 4, 2011  •  In Books, Entertainment, Funny, Geek

Harry Potter vs. Lord of the Rings

My Harry Potter vs. Star Wars post has been one of the most popular to date, garnering over 3,000 “Like”s on Facebook alone! Today, I share with you the Lord of the Rings version. And I gotta admit — Harry Potter seems to have more in common with LOTR than with Star Wars. Enjoy! Via Reddit. You may […]

Oct 3, 2011  •  In Blogging, Funny, Geek, Giveaways, Personal, Reviews, Shopping, Web

Giveaway: Win a Halloween Costume from HalloweenCostumes.com!

This giveaway has closed. Congratulations to Kelly Stadium, who entered by commenting! Please stay tuned for more giveaways in the future! It’s October! The weather has cooled down, the leaves are changing colors, Starbucks is serving Pumpkin Spice Lattes again… …and we are nearing one of America’s favorite holidays. That’s right — Halloween is coming […]