…I have no words. Via Reddit. You may also like: Thoroughly Depressing Comics About Our Relationship to Facebook What Social Networking Was Like Before the Internet Wednesday Rewind: The 10 Levels of Intimacy in Today’s Communication Aliens Attacking the Earth! [A Facebook Social Experiment]
Wherein I Discover Another By-Product of Pregnancy…Two Weeks After Giving Birth
Yesterday, I broke out of my month-long confinement in order to visit the optometrist. J still disapproved of my leaving the house, but I was running dangerously low on my contact lenses and I was not able to order them online since it had been more than a year since my last eye exam. (On the subject […]
Guest Post: Morel Lollipops with Garlic Truffle Aioli [Recipe]
Today’s guest post comes from none other than Serena of Big Apple Nosh. Here, she shares with us a recipe for…mushrooms on a stick??! I know it sounds a bit kooky, but wait until you see the delectable ingredients and the mouthwatering pictures! I’d take these over regular lollipops any day! Enjoy! Earlier this year, Marx […]
Guest Post: Reflections on a Dragon Mom’s Love
Today’s guest post comes from Angela, who not only is a frequent commenter on this blog but keeps her own fantastic mommy blog as well. In this piece, she talks about an article that made its rounds through various internet mommy hangouts last month. I remember reading the article as well, and feeling a mixture […]
The 2-Week Post-Partum Update
Weight Loss:Like my pregnancy with Claire, I had gained about 50 lbs with this pregnancy. I stepped on the scale for the first time this morning since my last OB appointment, and it looks like I’ve lost 25 lbs in the two weeks since giving birth. That leaves ~25 lbs left to go. I’m not […]
Guest Post: Parenting Chooch the Pooch
Today’s guest post comes from Sarah of Bend it Like Becker fame. Here she compares parenting a human baby to a puppy. And as someone who has raised dogs for most of her life, one of which was a high-needs puppy, I can completely attest to the fact that yes, pets can be just as […]
Guest Post: DIY Decorations for Claire’s First Birthday Party
This post comes from none other than my SIL, for whose friendship and affinity I treasure every day. Just over a month ago, she very graciously lent her time and talent to decorating Claire’s first birthday party and here, she details how she created each element of the fantastic DIY decor. She just recently moved halfway […]
Fake Anything [Website of the Day]
Fake Anything is a “creative consortium dedicated to visionary interpretations of mythic media references.” In other words, a blog where you can find various artwork of fake products from your favorite TV shows and movies. If it isn’t obvious by now, I’ve already added it to my Google Reader. 😀 Lindsay’s Hot Ham Water, anyone? […]
Guest Post: Peanut Butter Cup Brownies
The following guest post touches on a subject that is dear to my heart. And that, of course, is food. 😀 I currently have both my own mother and my MIL cooking up storms of healthy, post-partum food for me but I can’t deny that I miss having the occasional treat. And these brownies look […]
McDonald’s Cracking Egg Billboard [More Brilliance in Advertising]
Fast food giant McDonald’s — or more specifically, their advertising firm Leo Burnett — is on a roll with this new campaign of clever billboards! Earlier this week I had featured the “M” sundial billboard, and today I bring to you the cracking breakfast egg, which was recently installed across from Wrigley Field in Chicago. Now, I’m […]