Super Bowl XLVII. Who will YOU be rooting for? (image source) You know I love me my Ravens. (I predicted a Harbaugh Bowl at the beginning of the playoffs!) And you know I love me some visualized data. So in honor of my “the in-laws have gone on vacation for 2 weeks leaving me alone to […]
Google Translate: Star Wars Edition
The last one is the best. 😉 Via Comfortably Awkward. P.S. — Life in the Geek in Heels household has been pretty chaotic, and will probably remain so for the next week or two. Posts may continue to be light and/or unintelligent. The upside? There’s another giveaway in works. (Have you entered my circle lens […]
Raising a Toast…
J turns 35 years old today. 🙂 Thank you for everything that you are and you do. Thank you for being my best friend, a marvelous husband, and a wonderful father. May you have a magical birthday. We love you! You may also like: Life Update, 1 Year Later The Neverending Period My Top 7 […]
Incredible Amazon Page Resumé
I have featured some special resumés here in the past, and I have to say that this one takes the cake. Philippe Dubost, a web product manager in Paris, created a fake Amazon product page to showcase his skillset and talents. At first glance, you can hardly tell that you’re not looking at an Amazon page! You gotta […]
Neo Natural Touch Brown Circle Lens Review, and an Giveaway!
Circle lenses, or cosmetic contact lenses which are designed to give the illusion of larger eyes, have been around in Asia since 2004 and started gaining popularity within the U.S. in the past few years. While some are designed to look natural by enlarging the irises just slightly, others can be quite snazzy with intricate […]
How a Key Works
You guys, it’s sooooo cold. And sooo windy. And with a kid who just recovered from a cold — right after I got sick, to boot — all I want to do is stay in bed under three layers of blankets and watch episodes of Suits (my latest obsession). Alas, the life of a SAHM does not […]
Kids Recreate Best Looks from the Golden Globes
New York photographer Tricia Messeroux recently recreated some of the best celebrity looks from the 2013 Golden Globes…using kids. Adorable, darling kids who could totally pass as the stars’ younger selves (and have the attitude to match!). See for yourself: You may also like: The Secret Lives of Superhero Toys If Disney Princesses Had Instagram […]
If NFL Quarterbacks Were Mobile Phones…
This weekend will determine who goes to Super Bowl XLVII. Two teams will begin to ready themselves for one of the biggest games they will ever play, while the remaining two will go home crestfallen and utterly disappointed (so close, yet so far…). Y’all know who I’ll be rooting for — what about you? In honor […]
Crazy Fan Theories That Make Sense!
It’s funny how different people will interpret different scenarios, even if they’re based on movies, television shows, and video games. And sometimes, you can’t help but wonder if the interpreter didn’t completely overthink a simple concept. 😉 Here’s a compilation of these crazy fan theories via Unreality Mag. A few of the theories sound downright […]
From Dating to Messaging to Texting
Over the weekend, I read a NYTimes article titled The End of Courtship? which questions the new millennials’ methods of dating — or, in this case, not dating. Instead of dinner-and-a-movie, which seems as obsolete as a rotary phone, they rendezvous over phone texts, Facebook posts, instant messages and other “non-dates” that are leaving a generation […]