Hasbro is currently running a Facebook campaign that allows YOU to vote for a new, permanent player’s token. This kinda sucks if you don’t use Facebook, but if you do, go vote now!
As you can see above, the five candidates for a new token are: robot, ring, cat, helicopter, and guitar. Right now the cat is far ahead (cat owners can get pretty determined!), but since there already exists an animal on the board — and it has a very good chance of staying on — I would prefer another piece.
I can’t quite decide if I like the robot or the guitar best, but that’s just me. Which is your favorite?
Voting will continue until February 6th, when the replacement token will be announced.
That’s right — I said replacement. This means that the new piece will replace an old one. And you get to vote which one stays!
The leaderboard (as of today) looks very similar to which tokens are most popular when I play with my friends. I usually go with the thimble because it’s not much favored, and because there exists an embarrassing story behind the piece whereupon I thought it was a saltshaker until I was well into my teens. 😳
I personally believe that this “Save Your Token” campaign is a brilliant move on Hasbro’s part. Not only does it entice the nostalgic set to pick up a Monopoly game if they do not already have one, it urges all fans of the iconic boardgame to purchase the new, updated version once the new token is chosen.
I will, however, be sad to see an existing piece go. Poor wheelbarrow!
Update, February 6, 2013:
It looks like the wheelbarrow has made a comeback! The results of the “Save Your Token” promotion has been revealed, and it is the IRON that has been booted out!
And the new token to take its place? Drumroll please…
It is the CAT!
I’m kinda disappointed that my favorite two (the robot and the guitar) didn’t win, but what can you do? The internet is chock-full of cat lovers!
I voted to keep the dog & add the helicopter – and really, they should have ditched the wheel barrel a long time ago. Thanks for posting about this, it’s a fun vote to get involved in.
oh crap… I like the wheelbarrow. 🙁
You state the cat is far ahead for the new piece–can we actually see THOSE votes, like we can for the old pieces? I couldn’t find that chart, please provide info. Thanks.
If I remember correctly, they show you the results after you vote.
Okay, thanks.