Mar 21, 2011  •  In Funny, Personal

Stupid Tongue

Spring may have officially begun, but it’s a miserable day today here in the NYC area (can you believe it snowed this morning?)

Whenever the weather is like this I feel like an old lady. My joints ache and my eyelids feel like they’re made out of lead. My mind feels fuzzy and I can’t concentrate. I have trouble remembering the simplest of things, like my own phone number.

So here’s one for all of us who are adversely affected by days like these. I hope it brings a smile to your face and helps brighten your day!


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3 Responses to “Stupid Tongue”

  1. Sarah S says:

    Thanks for that, I needed a good laugh!

  2. Ruby says:

    HAHAHA I have a pug so this made my day! It was cold, rainy and windy here in Chicago. I knew I shouldn’t have gotten excited about spring, but I totally did- and now it’s freezing again. 🙁

    Hopefully things will perk up!

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