Oct 25, 2009  •  In Web

Friday Night Links

It is pouring in New York today. The all-day, unrelenting, cats-and-dogs-replaced-by-rhinos-and-hippos kind of rain. I had made plans to go out, but exhaustion from working all day at my mother’s store combined with the thought of myself stumbling around drunk in this weather has led to flake out and keep myself warm, dry, and sober at home.

Warm, dry, and sober with my Google Reader, that is.

So if you’re also home this Saturday night and looking for a distraction, this post is for you!


Livebrush Makes Design Creation Simple

Livebrush is a FREE, easy-to-use Adobe Air app that lets you create your own designs, styles, and decorations without the need to purchase expensive vector-based illustration software.

Personally, the best feature seems to be the brush tool which responds to the speed of your mouse movements. I can’t wait to start trying this out!


25 Premium Like Though Free Blogger Templates

I know that the majority of my blogger friends use Blogger. Here are some eye-popping themes that are coated by the best flavor there is — FREE — brought to you by a great and trusty resource!


And Now It’s Time for a NSFW Field Trip to Love Land

I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that South Korea, one of the most outwardly sexually-conservative countries in the world (I guess the key word here is outwardly) has a sex-themed park.

Let’s let that sink in for a moment before clicking through to the gallery. Here’s a sample for your viewing pleasure.

The best part has to be all the ajummas (a term used to describe an adult Korean female of married age) included in these snapshots.

Don’t believe me? Take a look at the very last picture in the gallery. It’ll make your day (especially if you’re Korean).


Michelle Obama on Jay Leno Show (10/23/2009)

I heart Michelle Obama. That is all.


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