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Baby Nursery on a Low to Mid-Range Budget

While sites such as Ohdeedoh are wonderful for nursery inspiration and exposure to baby/kid-oriented furniture and decor, it’s no secret that the majority of the stuff they feature are…well, expensive.

It was never our intention to go all-out on Claire’s nursery, the reasons being that the rest of our condo doesn’t contain high-end furniture (95% of our stuff is from IKEA), and she really wouldn’t care what her room looks like because she’s just a baby.

That being said, Claire’s room has become quite a cozy nook. It was completed on a low to mid-range budget — we spent less than $500 total, but if we include gifts it would total a little less than $1,500 — and I feel that it’s not too hideous. Since this is a nursery budget range that is not found often on the web, I wanted to share it with my readers, complete with the prices for each item (if available) and where we acquired them.

First, here are some pictures (sorry for the quality — they were taken with my camera phone because someone brings the camera with him to work every day):

I wish we had pictures of what the room looked like pre-baby, but I unfortunately do not. Suffice it to say that it was a typical guest bedroom with a queen-sized bed and a dresser-mirror unit. It also housed my digital piano. The walls were painted a pale green by the construction company before we moved in, and we haven’t touched it since.

As you can see from the pictures, the only thing we moved out was the bed. We kept the dresser-mirror and placed a changing pad on top. (This was a great idea because not only are we saving space, the mirror keeps the baby occupied during changings.) We have no room for the piano elsewhere in the condo, so we decided to keep it in the nursery for the time being.

All the stuffed animals and wall hangings were off-registry gifts, so I will not be listing them below.

Here are the items we received as gifts from our registry:

Total: $984.93 (We are blessed with very generous friends and family!)

Items we purchased ourselves:

Total: $470.49

Oh, the speaker on the bookcase and the controller beside it are part of the Sonos Wireless Multi-Room Sound System, which was previously in our bedroom. We decided to move it to the nursery so that we can listen to tunes while playing with her. And if need be, we can control it from our computers from a different room.

I think I covered everything. Please let me know if you have any questions, or if I missed any items!

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