Feb 21, 2015  •  In Books, Personal

“Bad Sleeper”

Sleep and I do not have a good relationship. We have never been friends. I am constantly chasing sleep and then pushing it away. A good night’s sleep is my white whale. Like Ahab, I am also a total drama queen about it. I love to talk about how little sleep I get. I brag about it, as if it is a true indication of how hard I work. But I truly suffer at night. Bedtime is fraught with fear and disappointment. When it is just me alone with my restless body and mind, I feel like the whole world is asleep and gone. It’s very lonely. I am tired of being tired and talking about how tired I am.

The phrase “going to sleep” has always given me great anxiety. I don’t like doing things I am bad at, and I have been told since I was very young that I am a bad sleeper. As soon as I become prone, my head will begin to unpack. My mind will turn on and start to hum, which is the opposite of what you need when you begin to switch off. It is as if I were waiting the whole day for this moment. Trying to sleep is often when I feel most engaged and alive. My brain starts to trick me into thinking this is the moment it should turn on and start working overtime. It is a problem. I need some rest. I have a lot to do.

– an excerpt from Amy Poehler’s Yes Please
(because I feel EXACTLY the same way)

A futile attempt to nap with the girls.

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One Response to ““Bad Sleeper””

  1. bruce says:

    try concerning your mind with a task which you need to do but which is a menial one. I’d worry about work problems that had no magic answer, which equals awake all night. Then I’d think about the task of my hobby which was finishing a scale model. Something that needed no magic bullet to do. That was good for an hour or two of sleep.

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