Once again I am forced to wonder why anyone hasn’t thought of this before. Brooklyn perfumery I Hate Perfume has released a scent called “In the Library” that is inspired by the smells of libraries and books. According to perfumer Christopher Brosius, “these scents mean Excitement, Adventure, Discovery, Enlightenment and Knowledge.” Brosius further explains on the product page: Whenever […]
The New Generation of Sticker Pictures
I’m sure my Asian readers will be more familiar with the sticker picture phenomenon that was so popular in the late 1990s to early 2000s. My friends and I always took sticker pictures when we got together, and traded them among ourselves like baseball cards. It was always fun to find a familiar face on someone’s […]
Earlier today I decided to cash in my push present and went for a steam perm and cut — my first in almost a year! Sitting patiently through the 3 hour process, I took a look at myself in the full-length mirror and was dismayed to see how fat and swollen my calves, ankles, and feet […]
Circle Lenses
Circle Lenses are special contact lenses that are designed to make the wearer’s irises appear larger, creating a doe-eyed, anime-like appearance. Many in the western world first became acquainted with them when the NYTimes and The Inquisitr recently ran pieces warning consumers of their potential dangers. The fact of the matter is, Circle Lenses have been around […]
28 Weeks (And My Waxing Experience at Bliss)
Where did the 27 Weeks update go? Yeah…um…about that… There was no 27th Week… *waves hand in an attempt to Jedi mind-trick my readers* Did that work? Yeah, I didn’t think so. Just blame it on the fact that I can be a moron and completely forgot to take a picture, nevermind write an update, last […]
The Best Cheap Shampoo…EVER
A couple of months ago I forgot to bring my shampoo while staying at my parents’ house. I stood in the shower pondering my choices. I could use my sister’s Herbal Essences, or the cheap Costco brand that has been sitting in the corner for more than a year. The thing is, I’m ultra-sensitive to […]
Makeup Magic
A guy friend once told me that he would never date a girl until he has seen her sans makeup first. “You never know what you’ll wake up next to in the morning,” he said. “And trust me — club, bar, and lounge lighting is cunningly deceptive!” I personally don’t think my girlfriends and I look […]
TEMPTU AIRbrush Foundation Review
Have I mentioned that I’ve been very self-conscious about my looks these past few months? Only about a dozen or so times! Along with the almost-20 lbs I’ve stacked on, pregnancy has also changed my body chemistry so much to a point where my old tried-and-true beauty products just have not been cutting it. My […]
Yu-Be Mine
Last month the skin on my face became extra dry and flaky. I immediately panicked, because this has never happened to me before. Call it aging. Blame it on the harsh weather. Whatever the reason, I knew that my regular moisturizer just wasn’t cutting it anymore. I dove into my bag of samples and found […]
Steam Perm
My natural hair is stick straight and has the tendency to hang straight down with no body or movement, as you can see from this photo of myself at 16: The Asian glamour photos that were so popular in the 90s. No matter how short I cut my hair, how much layers were cut in, […]