Feb 24, 2025  •  In Blogging, Home, Personal

Life Update, 1 Year Later

It may seem as though I’ve forgotten about this blog, but I’ve kept up with the WordPress updates, regularly delete spam comments, and constantly have it in the back of my mind. So why another long lapse between updates? To be frank, my life is boring. Life is good, but boring with not much to […]

Feb 1, 2023  •  In Aerin, Blogging, Claire, Personal

It’s Been a Minute

So it’s been more than five years since I’ve last written here. I debated even keeping this blog up every time I got a bill for web hosting or a received a renewal notice for the domain name. But I had written here since 2006 and there are 2,156 posts on this blog (2,157 now). I […]

Apr 16, 2017  •  In Apple, Blogging, Personal, Relationships

More Technical Issues…

The good news is that I got my laptop back. Not only had Apple replaced my battery, they had also installed a new logic board, so my computer was running like new again.  🙂  The bad news is, this only lasted a few days. It began with a 1px-wide red vertical line along the right […]

Apr 5, 2017  •  In Aerin, Apple, Blogging, Gadgets, Geek, Personal

Power Issues

It’s been three days since I promised to blog regularly again. But have I written anything? No. You probably thought I disappeared again, didn’t you? I actually have a good reason for not writing… My laptop’s battery life has been less than stellar lately, so I took it into the local Apple Store. It’s never […]

Apr 2, 2017  •  In Aerin, Blogging, Claire, Depression, Personal, Relationships

Chirp, Chirp

It’s been a whooping 1 year and 2 months since I last wrote in this blog. …Is anyone still around? During my hiatus, I seriously contemplated shutting down the site. I was feeling uninspired and unmotivated. There were a lot of things going on in my life I did not feel comfortable sharing with the world […]

Jan 18, 2016  •  In Beauty, Blogging, Personal

The Official Launch of Jini Beauty

I’ve been keeping myself plenty busy these days with the start of my own business. Who’d have thunk it? Me, a co-founder to a successful company? And last week, we officially opened our doors. Jini Beauty. Korean beauty that is curated by us, and coveted by you. Personalized subscription boxes for each skin type. You […]

Aug 4, 2015  •  In Art/Design, Blogging, Geek, Personal

Late to the Mobile Game

I may be a technology- and gadget-loving geek, but there are some topics that cause me to be bullheaded in my old-fashioned ways. Physical books over e-books/e-readers. Text over videos. (I hate it when I click over to a promising article to discover that I would need to watch a video to see what it’s about. Also, no vlogging or […]

Aug 18, 2013  •  In Blogging, Personal, Reviews, Web

An Unfortunate Series of Events [Hawk Host Review]

ETA, March 2015:I am now hosting this site with Squidix, and have been very happy with their service. You can read a full review here. Short version: my site was down for 45 hours this weekend due to Hawk Host’s abysmal support. Because I was well within their “30-day money back guarantee” period, I have […]