Raising my daughter without the help of my in-laws has (surprisingly) been a lot easier than I thought. And while there are times when I am missing them sorely because I am dying for a nap or want to go run a quick errand without doing all the time-consuming things that involve going out with an […]
Blogging Break
In addition to Claire’s extra fussiness during the past week, a series of circumstances have left me severely disappointed and disheartened with the world and its inhabitants. Furthermore, J’s parents will be returning to Hong Kong tomorrow. Which means that it will be just me with the baby (and Comang) from now on while J […]
The Geekinheels.com Web Empire
Webempires is a neat tool that aims to visualize the traffic of every website on the web. Basing its figures on the popular traffic aggregator Alexa, the site can be used to answer questions such as: What if your website was a country? What if all your visitors gathered in one place? And more! As […]
Guest Post: Branding Your Blog
With some social media experience under my belt (in addition to freelancing work that has led me to some top social media mavens), the topic of blogging and branding your blog has always held a special interest in my heart. In this guest post, reader Kate talks about the importance of branding your blog and chronicles […]
Guest Post: How I Got Out of Debt
Our next guest post comes from Fabulously Broke, one of my favorite lifestyle/personal finance bloggers. I always found her story inspiring and asked her to write a special post on how she managed to clear $60k in debt AND build a respectable net worth. Enjoy! Background I am a twenty-something consultant who was $60,000 in student […]
Are You Interested in Guest-Blogging?
I have been thinking about what to do with this blog when I go into labor and during the precious few weeks following the birth of our baby. I know that my readers will completely understand a maternity break from blogging; but at the same time I am hesitant to put this site into hiatus […]
Martha Stewart Twitter Tickets
Do you tweet? Do you live in the NYC area (or can make it to NYC on September 13)? Do you ♥ Martha Stewart? Then this post is for you. I received this email earlier today from the producers of the Martha Stewart Show… Exclusive: Martha’s Twitter Section Be part of the very first Twitter audience section on […]
Do You Boycott?
Ever since I started writing more about my religious views on this site, I have gotten more than a few comments and nasty emails stating that they will no longer read my blog because they disagree with my stance on certain issues. I don’t have much of a problem with readers who choose to unsubscribe […]
Some Additional Thoughts on Squarespace, and Updates to the Site
I have been using Squarespace since 2008 when I was asked to test their new V5 platform, and even wrote an extensive review on it after deciding to switch over from WordPress. I still believe it to be the best blogging platform available, and wholeheartedly recommend it to all my friends and colleagues. But as much […]
Link Swap
I have some extra time today and have decided to clean up and update my three “Links” pages: Friends Bee Friends Favorite Blogs If you see that you’re not included and would like to be, please leave a comment and I’ll add your site. If you feel that I’m missing anything (or have suggestions of […]