Oct 1, 2009  •  In Blogging, Personal

Trolls and Naysayers

I have been blogging for eight years. I have had moderate readership at my first blog, gained immense exposure through Weddingbee, and am starting to get a small but devoted following here at Geek in Heels. Needless to say, I am no stranger to internet trolls. I have received my fair share of personal attacks […]

Sep 19, 2009  •  In Blogging, Personal, Relationships

Bees I’ve Met in Real Life

Just in case you weren’t aware, I blog for a website called Weddingbee. I am not as active as I used to be, as my wedding was a year and a half ago. However, I still visit the site all the time to cherish and cultivate all the wonderful friendships I have made with my […]

Sep 9, 2009  •  In Baby, Blogging, Personal, Pregnancy

Tater Tot Baby Blog

I was planning to continue writing about Tater Tot here, or even perhaps create a subdomain for it. However, J was insistent on creating a separate blog devoted entirely to our little one. I finished it last night (stupid WordPress!) and it is now live at http://www.tatertotlau.com. The new blog will feature three writers: Tater […]

Sep 9, 2009  •  In Blogging, Personal

Major Apologies!

I’ve made a huge, significant boo-boo. Remember the winner of the tagline contest? Well, I had compiled the list of entries incorrectly. While I admit that I’ve had a major case of Pregnancy Brain this past week, that is no valid excuse. I have no one to blame but myself. The winner of the tagline […]

Sep 8, 2009  •  In Blogging

Winner of the Geek in Heels Tagline Contest!

“That is what she said.”   -submitted by the lovely and talented Sara Thank you everyone for submitting your entries! I really had a tough time deciding between the top three, and even asked the dog which he likes the best (he licked his balls in response). At the end, I felt that this simple and […]

Sep 2, 2009  •  In Blogging, Personal

Tagline Contest Extended!

Wow, I am such an idiot. Would you believe I forgot about my own contest? MY. OWN. CONTEST. Granted, things have been a bit hectic lately but that is no excuse. I announced the contest last week, tweeted about it ONCE, and….forgot about it. Way to publize it, huh? Due to my own ineptitude, I […]

Aug 28, 2009  •  In Blogging, Personal


Posting will be light this weekend, because I’ll be driving down to Maryland to attend this lovely lady’s wedding: I will be joined by these fabulous ladies:                        Happy wedding day, D’orsay! And I can’t wait to see everyone else there! Have a great weekend, everyone! You […]

Aug 26, 2009  •  In Blogging, Personal

Geek in Heels Tagline Contest!

I’ve been thinking long and hard (that’s what she said) about a tagline for my website. I tossed a bunch of them around in my head and even seriously considered a couple but concluded that I didn’t love them. Then I realized…why don’t I ask you, the readers, for help? As an extra incentive the […]

Aug 5, 2009  •  In Art/Design, Blogging, Funny, Geek

My Site Icon: A Decepticon in Disguise

When I first debuted my site redesign, J asked, “Why do you have a pink Decepticon symbol in your header?” “What are you talking about? That’s a book.” Pause. “Ohh…yeah. I see it now.” Do you think my icon looks like a Decepticon symbol? You may also like: Late to the Mobile Game Parody Posters […]

Aug 4, 2009  •  In Blogging, Web

Squarespace: SEO Gods?

I don’t know how they do it, but Squarespace never ceases to amaze me when it comes to SEO. Before switching over in September ’08, I hosted my blog on WordPress which seemed to be the de facto standard for serious bloggers. After befriending some internet marketers, I read up on numerous articles, blogs, and […]