Aug 15, 2013  •  In Blogging, Personal, Web

When Bloggers Can’t Win

A recent commenter asked me, “If you are so confident in what you have written, why are you responding to each critical comment?” The post in question was a controversial one with numerous commenters up in arms about what I had chosen to share. I considered my options. If I respond, people like her would […]

Aug 13, 2013  •  In Blogging, Personal

Please Stand By…

I know I’ve been blabbering on about my recent web host transfer and related maintenance issues, and that most people reading won’t even care. But. Yesterday, a parenting Facebook group linked to one of my old, more controversial posts. Which led to tons of new visitors. Which led to more people linking to that same […]

Aug 8, 2013  •  In Blogging, Personal, Reviews, Web

Buh-Bye, HostGator! Hello, Hawk Host!

You may have noticed that this blog was down this past Friday. In fact, you may have noticed that a bunch of sites were down that day, and I’ll tell you why. When I first switched to HostGator, everything was fine and dandy. HostGator is was known to be one of the very few RELIABLE web […]

Jul 20, 2013  •  In Aerin, Blogging, Funny, Geek, Personal


I wanted to pop in to give you a weekend update! First up is Aerin’s developmental delays. Many people have been asking about her (a big thank you for your concern!), and the reason why I haven’t written an update is because there hasn’t been much progress. The state of NJ organizes its early intervention […]

Jul 13, 2013  •  In Blogging, Geek, Personal, Web

Weekend Poll

According to Google Analytics, about 1/3 of the visitors to this site are on a mobile phone, while around 10% of my total traffic stem from tablets. And I imagine that these numbers will continue to get higher with the advancement of technology, decrease in prices, and wider adaptation of mobile devices. When I first set […]

Jun 30, 2013  •  In Blogging, Personal, Reviews, Web

My Pick for a Google Reader Replacement: AOL Reader

Before I begin, I should add a disclaimer that my husband works for AOL. More specifically, he works for a new R&D department at AOL that creates new apps which may be used internally or externally by the former-ISP-giant-turned-internet-publisher. (Many people don’t realize that AOL owns some of the most popular blogs out there, like […]

Jun 6, 2013  •  In Blogging, Personal

To the Weekend!

We’re off to Long Island Wine Country today for my sister’s wedding weekend extravaganza! This is our first overnight trip as a family of four, so I’m a bit nervous…but excited all the same! In the meantime, I hope you check out a new Tumblr blog I created: What Should We Call Blogging? Modeled after […]

Jun 4, 2013  •  In Blogging, Funny, Web

Simplified Blogging [Comic]

I love, love this comic by John Atkinson of Wrong Hands — especially how he depicted the “comments” portion! 😛 Via Laughing Squid. You may also like: 12 Meme Days Giveaway: Win a Halloween Costume from! 13 Reasons Why Humans Are the Cutest Animals Website of the Day: Sad Animal Facts

Jan 29, 2013  •  In Blogging, Funny, Geek, Personal, Star Wars

Google Translate: Star Wars Edition

The last one is the best.  😉 Via Comfortably Awkward. P.S. — Life in the Geek in Heels household has been pretty chaotic, and will probably remain so for the next week or two. Posts may continue to be light and/or unintelligent. The upside? There’s another giveaway in works. (Have you entered my circle lens […]