You guys, it’s sooooo cold. And sooo windy. And with a kid who just recovered from a cold — right after I got sick, to boot — all I want to do is stay in bed under three layers of blankets and watch episodes of Suits (my latest obsession). Alas, the life of a SAHM does not […]
Glitches and Hiccups
I will be moving to a new web host this weekend. I’m hoping that the transfer will be smooth, but I know that this can’t be guaranteed. This blog may suffer some glitches an hiccups as a result, and I apologize in advance for that. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! You may […]
Celebrate the Holidays With More Choices! [Win One of THREE Amazon Gift Cards!]
ETA, 12.24.2012:Today’s the last day to enter this giveaway! As an extra bonus, you can gain THREE more entries by sharing this post with your Facebook friends! (The easiest way is to click on the Facebook share button a the bottom of the post.) Once you have shared the post, please indicate that you have […]
Help Decide the Next Giveaway with a Giveaway!
In the spirit of the holidays — (And to thank all my readers and sponsors!) I have decided that a nice giveaway is in order. 🙂 The thing is, I can’t quite decide what to give away. I have gotten it down to three choices. And as much as I would love to have all three […]
How to Manually Add Social Media Buttons to the Bottom of Each WordPress Post
Ever since I unveiled my latest blog design, I have received more than a few messages from those who are curious about the social media buttons at the end of each post. Not sure what I’m talking about? This is what they look like: (I should also note that when you mouseover each button, it […]
Should Mommy Blogs Be Censored?
The praise I receive most from readers of this blog is regarding my honesty. How I am not afraid to tell it like it is. And while I must confess that I have shared some nitty gritty details of motherhood and parenthood (and gotten in trouble for it in the past), I have found myself […]
New Layout!
I know many of you read this blog through an RSS reader, but if you have a moment, click on through to see my new layout! (If you view the site via Internet Explorer, you might miss out on some CSS hover transition effects!) Some of the new features I have implemented include: Front page […]
Giveaway: Too Faced “The Naked Look” Makeup Palette
Thank you all for all your kind comments and messages regarding my last post on depression. I am doing better, but I believe that we are still a long ways to go to start feeling like my normal self again. My therapist is encouraging me to partake in activities I once enjoyed, and to take […]
Bloggy Thursdays: (Not) Raking in the Moolah
Welcome to this installment of Bloggy Thursdays, where I share with my fellow bloggers tips and tutorials to maximize and better your blog. While I do not consider myself an expert, I do like to think that after 10+ years of blogging — in addition to my technical knowledge — I know more than the average blogger […]
I have been forced to take a short break from blogging due to the horrible migraines I have been experiencing in the past couple of days. I am almost certain that my migraines are hormonal, as I have never gotten one before I got pregnant but regularly suffered them through both pregnancies. And now that […]