Jan 23, 2013  •  In Blogging, Geek, Personal, Random

How a Key Works

You guys, it’s sooooo cold. And sooo windy. And with a kid who just recovered from a cold — right after I got sick, to boot — all I want to do is stay in bed under three layers of blankets and watch episodes of Suits (my latest obsession). Alas, the life of a SAHM does not […]

Jan 4, 2013  •  In Blogging, Personal, Web

Glitches and Hiccups

I will be moving to a new web host this weekend. I’m hoping that the transfer will be smooth, but I know that this can’t be guaranteed. This blog may suffer some glitches an hiccups as a result, and I apologize in advance for that. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! You may […]

Jun 16, 2012  •  In Art/Design, Blogging, Personal

New Layout!

I know many of you read this blog through an RSS reader, but if you have a moment, click on through to see my new layout! (If you view the site via Internet Explorer, you might miss out on some CSS hover transition effects!) Some of the new features I have implemented include: Front page […]

Mar 28, 2012  •  In Blogging, Personal


I have been forced to take a short break from blogging due to the horrible migraines I have been experiencing in the past couple of days. I am almost certain that my migraines are hormonal, as I have never gotten one before I got pregnant but regularly suffered them through both pregnancies. And now that […]