Welcome to this installment of Bloggy Thursdays, where I share with my fellow bloggers tips and tutorials to maximize and better your blog. While I do not consider myself an expert, I do like to think that after 10+ years of blogging — in addition to my technical knowledge — I know more than the average blogger […]
Bloggy Thursdays: Using Google Alerts to Your Advantage
Welcome to this installment of Bloggy Thursdays, where I share with my fellow bloggers tips and tutorials to maximize and better your blog. While I do not consider myself an expert, I do like to think that after 10+ years of blogging — in addition to my technical knowledge — I know more than the average blogger […]
Sick, Sick, Sick!
The past few days have been utterly exhausting: My father being in the hospital (Fortunately, he is now discharged and surgery is not required. Thank you for your thoughts and support!) Claire got a throat infection I’m sick too Aerin is being extra, extra clingy towards me Blogging will resume when my life returns to a […]
Friday Brain Dump (Basketball Edition)
1. Did you know that you can embed Tweets? Just mouseover the tweet I have embedded below. Notice that the tweet is “live,” meaning that all the links (such as the “Follow” button) clickable and functional. So they’re watching Knicks in Taipei but I can’t get the game.#iliveheredammit — Jerry Seinfeld (@JerrySeinfeld) February 16, 2012 […]
Bloggy Thursdays: Disable Hotlinking
Welcome to this installment of Bloggy Thursdays, where I share with my fellow bloggers tips and tutorials to maximize and better your blog. While I do not consider myself an expert, I do like to think that after 10+ years of blogging — in addition to my technical knowledge — I know more than the average blogger […]
New Directions, and A Call for Help
A few years ago, J casually said to me, “You know, you should really make your blog more mobile device friendly.” “But that might ruin the design! And you know how hard I worked on it. Besides, less than 1% of my visitors are using a mobile device when they browse on over.” Did I […]
Bloggy Thursdays: Why I Stopped Using LinkWithin (And Switched to nRelate)
***Update: with the recent discontinuation of nRelate, I have switched over to Contextual Related Posts. (You can see it in action at the bottom of this post!) I was able to customize the widgets fairly easily, and the matching algorithm is probably the best I’ve ever come across! Welcome to this installment of Bloggy Thursdays, where I share […]
Bloggy Thursdays: Backing Up Your Blog
Welcome to this installment of Bloggy Thursdays, where I share with my fellow bloggers tips and tutorials to maximize and better your blog. While I do not consider myself an expert, I do like to think that after 10+ years of blogging — in addition to my technical knowledge — I know more than the average […]
Bloggy Thursdays: The Internet Writing Guide
Welcome to the very first installment of Bloggy Thursdays, where I share with my fellow bloggers tips and tutorials to maximize and better your blog. While I do not consider myself an expert, I do like to think that after 10+ years of blogging — in addition to my technical knowledge — I know more than […]
The Geek in Heels’s SEO Tips for Beginners
I have stated numerous times that I don’t really believe in SEO (search engine optimization) tactics. Sure, you can painstakingly devote many hours (or even pay someone) to optimizing your site for search engines, but in the end, what helps the most is good content. That being said, roughly half of my traffic comes from […]