I have received three pieces of bad news since the early hours of the morning, one of which involves a death in the family. I have spent the majority of the morning crying or cleaning (my brand of therapy)…luckily, Claire has been in a good mood and has allowed me to leave her alone for […]
$50 Sephora Gift Card Giveaway!
Update: This giveaway has now come to a close. Congratulations to Irene, who entered via the Facebook giveaway page! Please be on the lookout for an email from me soon! A few months ago, the famed Urban Decay Naked Palette — which had been getting regularly sold out everywhere since its release last year — came back in stock […]
When I Am Granted an Evening Out Among Adults…
…blogging takes a back seat. For today, I met up with this lovely lady… To attend a fancy bloggers’ reception hosted by this tech company… Wherein we learned about a bunch of new products and ways to share media, met some cool people, grubbed on yummy catered food, and enjoyed an open bar (but only […]
Do With It What You Will
I checked my blog stats this morning to discover a plethora of traffic from an unfamiliar site. As I am always excited to encounter new readers and see how and why they chose to visit, I excitedly clicked on the source link… …only to discover the blog of an extremely racist expat who is currently […]
Updated: My Favorite Sites!
I spent a good portion of this rainy, dreary day updating the three pages of links on this blog (accessible through the top menubar). The biggest change comes with Bee Friends, which has been updated with the personal blogs of the newer — and by that, I mean within the last year — Weddingbee bloggers. […]
iPad 2 Giveaway!
Update: A big congratulations to CH, who entered via the Facebook giveaway page! I will be contacting you shortly so that you can claim your prize! Yesterday, I wrote about the new Time to Call™ app from Vonage. This free-to-download app for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch allows you to make calls of up to […]
Advertising Revenue: The First Month
It has been two months since I first decided to start accept advertising on this blog, and just a little over a month since the first ad appeared. Now, I know that no one likes a braggart. And I am not in any way writing this post as a way to scream, “Look how much money […]
Google Page Speed Service — A Short Review
11 days ago, Google announced a new tool that aims to speed up the loading of websites. The new Page Speed Service utilizes the optimization techniques outlined by the company’s Page Speed Online API and takes it a step further: by rewriting pages and delivering them to users using Google’s servers. On the Google Code blog, […]
Custom T-Shirts Giveaway!
A couple of weeks ago, ooShirts contacted me about a possible sponsorship. After perusing their website, I couldn’t help but agree — not only is their custom design process simple and intuitive, their prices are some of the lowest I’ve come across on the web. Here’s what ooShirts is all about: ooShirts is an online […]
My Favorite Week of the Summer
…is Discovery Channel’s Shark Week. I don’t particularly like the ocean, nor am I a very good swimmer. In fact, I have a ridiculous fear of most fish (yes, even goldfish!). But these majestic creatures have always fascinated me. I remember taking out tons of books on sharks from the library when I was a little […]