Jul 16, 2011  •  In Blogging

Amazon Gift Card Giveaway Winners!

Thank you to all those who entered my Amazon Gift Card Giveaway. Due to my dead laptop, I had to start the spreadsheet of entries all over again, but I had promised to reveal the winners by the end of the week and by golly I was gonna get it done. So without further ado… […]

Jul 16, 2011  •  In Blogging, Personal

Someone is WRONG on the Internet

I have been blogging for over a decade now, and in that time I have certainly received hurtful and/or hateful comments. I have had my share of trolls, personal messages from particularly irate readers, as well as (empty) threats. At first they used to bother me. A lot. But now, I find them quite amusing. Does something […]

Jul 6, 2011  •  In Aerin, Art/Design, Blogging, Books, Personal, Pregnancy

Brain Dump

As I rolled out of bed this morning, I almost collapsed to the floor in a ball of agony. “Hello, pregnancy hip pains,” I muttered to myself. “Now I remember you!” Hip pains and crotch pains. Hip pains from my hip joints loosening (I was not officially diagnosed with Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction in my last pregnancy, but […]

Jun 30, 2011  •  In Blogging, Personal, Web

Online Handles

I saw an article titled “How Dumb Was Your First Online Handle?” yesterday on Gizmodo and I couldn’t help but let out a small giggle. It sure brought back some good memories… The year was 1996.  Everyone was talking about the wonderful new invention called the internet.  AOL was starting to gain in popularity, especially […]

Jun 20, 2011  •  In Aerin, Blogging, Personal, Pregnancy

Winner of the BB Cream Giveaway

Thank you to everyone who entered my BB Cream Giveaway! Without further ado, the winner is… According to my spreadsheet, #31 corresponds to commenter Ruth, who wrote: I will be contacting Ruth via email shortly to work out all the details. A huge thanks once again to everyone who entered…and please stay tuned for more […]

Jun 1, 2011  •  In Blogging, Personal

Site Redesign (Geek in Heels 6.0)

It’s done. After working all last week and through the long weekend, my site redesign is finally complete. Introducing Geek in Heels 6.0 — I know that when adding a place for ads, I could’ve just easily done so with my last design. But I had been itching for a redesign for ages — so […]

May 12, 2011  •  In Blogging, Personal

Blog Announcement

I have stated in the past that I do not make money from blogging. Actually, I make some money from linking via Amazon Associates. But that doesn’t amount to much at all…$10 a month on the good months. I have gotten inquiries about advertising on Geek in Heels, but I always brushed them off because […]

May 7, 2011  •  In Blogging, Personal

Light Weekend

Last Sunday, J’s uncle passed away. I was not particularly close to him. I have never had conversations longer than a couple of minutes with him due to our language barrier. But he always had a big, genuine smile on his face whenever I greeted him. I could tell that he was proud of J […]