I understand that web publishers want to get people to click on over to their sites. I also can empathize with those who want to know more details about their traffic. But as someone who subscribes to over 1,000 sites on Google Reader, I hate, hate, HATE truncated RSS feeds with a passion. Luckily, there […]
AP Article on Bin Laden’s Death
A couple of days ago, a reporter from the AP contacted me (having read my thoughts on the issue here on this blog) and asked if I would like to be interviewed for a story she was doing on America’s reaction to the death of Bin Laden. Unfortunately, my comments were edited out of that […]
Smashbox Perfectly Polished Lids Giveaway!
Ever have one of those days when nothing seems to go your way? Well, today was like that for me. And because I always feel better when I can help brighten someone else’s day… I’m giving away a Smashbox Perfectly Polished Lids makeup set! (Disclaimer: I received this set for free by trading in 500 […]
3 Years, A Busy Weekend, and A Winner
Three years ago today, J and I said “I do” in front of 250 of our closest friends and family. We’ve certainly had our ups and downs along the way, but I wouldn’t trade what we have right now for anything in the world. The amount of love and respect I have for this man […]
Magic Sleepsuit Giveaway!
Remember the Magic Sleepsuit? Let’s see if this helps refresh your memory: Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit was invented by Maureen Howard, a pediatric physical therapist and a mother of four. It was designed for babies who are approximately 3 months of age and have been swaddled, but are beginning to grow out of that stage. The Magic […]
The Broke-Ass Bride Needs Our Help
Do you know a fabulous blogger by the name of Dana LaRue? If not, you’re missing out on a whole lot of awesome. Dana and I first met while blogging for Weddingbee. Her upbeat, can-do attitude is simply charismatic, and I was so happy to watch her start The Broke-Ass Bride which quickly turned into […]
The Ultimate WordPress Cheat Sheet
I know I haven’t written anything in my WordPress for the Everyday Blogger series in a while, and for that I apologize. I promise I’ll get crackin’ on the next post soon! To tide you over in the meantime, here’s a fantastic cheat sheet I saw over at Bit Rebels today. The WordPress Codex can […]
Ahh, giveaways. I know for a fact that the net is full of people who trawl sites just for giveaways and contests, as well as those who manage to enter single drawings numerous times under various pseudonyms without getting caught. Because who doesn’t like free stuff? And as much as the blog is great on its own, […]
WordPress for the Everyday Blogger:
Part 6 – Styling the Sidebar
Prelude Part 1: Setting Up Part 2: Set the Bare BonesPart 3: The HeaderPart 4: The Main MenuPart 5: The Rest of the Header Because the ET-Starter theme is set so that the user can choose between one, two, or no sidebars (in whichever relative position to the main content), there exists various CSS classes […]
WordPress for the Everyday Blogger:
Part 5 – The Rest of the Header
Prelude Part 1: Setting Up Part 2: Set the Bare BonesPart 3: The HeaderPart 4: The Main Menu In this post I will discuss how to complete the rest of the header elements in my blog theme. First up: the searchbar. In WordPress, adding a searchbar is relatively simple. All you need to do is […]