Prelude Part 1: Setting Up Part 2: Set the Bare BonesPart 3: The Header It’s been over a month since the last post in this series, and for that I apologize. This is what we had when we left off: First, let’s work on the main menu. As you can see from my header image, […]
WordPress for the Everyday Blogger:
Another Break
We’ve having more issues on the baby front. I’m too stressed and drained to blog. I’ll be back when things get better. (And if anyone has any recommendations on how to get a baby to nap more than 30 mins at a time so that she’s not tired and cranky the entire day, I’d love […]
My Turn to Fart Rainbows
I didn’t mean to offend anyone with my last post. I think I may have made a mistake by choosing to title the post “Keepin’ it Real,” because it was not my intention to imply that my blog is more “real” or better than any other blogs out there. Yes, this blog is real because […]
Keepin’ It Real
A couple of weeks ago, I posed the following question on Facebook and Twitter: How do my internet mommy friends make the time to Facebook, Twitter, AND blog? I feel like I can only do one consistently without losing even more sleep. Admittedly, I didn’t get as many responses as I had hoped. (Sometimes I […]
WordPress for the Everyday Blogger:
Part 3 – The Header
Prelude Part 1: Setting Up Part 2: Set the Bare Bones Another great thing about the ET-Starter theme is that it allows you to easily set your header and background — whether it be an image, a color, or both. Just navigate to the “Appearance” menu on the left side of your WordPress admin page, […]
WordPress for the Everyday Blogger:
Part 2 – Set the Bare Bones
Prelude Part 1: Setting Up Let’s run through a checklist of things you should’ve done by now: installed WordPress in a web or local host imported content (whether from another blog or dummy content downloaded from the web) to your new blog chosen, downloaded, and installed a blank WP theme went through the PHP and […]
WordPress for the Everyday Blogger:
Part 1 – Setting Up
Now we get to the nitty gritty fun: developing your own WordPress theme! To make things a bit easier on myself — and for my readers so that they can see a live sample — I will detail how I built the theme I am currently using: (From now on I am going to assume […]
Meet Mr. Geek in Heels…
I always have a gazillion projects en queue in my head, am usually in the middle of several at once in real life. A couple of weeks ago, when J mentioned that he was thinking about blogging again (he was quite an avid blogger when we first became friends), I enthusiastically endorsed the idea and […]
WordPress for the Everyday Blogger: Prelude
I promised to write about making your WordPress blog look the way you want…if there was enough interest, and sure enough, there was! This post is the first in a series called “WordPress for the Everyday Blogger.” Why the Prelude before jumping into Part 1? Because this post will deal with those who are making […]
Post-Partum Hair Loss
A couple of weeks ago I noticed an unusual amount of hair lying around the house. Note that I am always “shedding” a lot of hair — one of my ex-boyfriends used to say that he could always tell which rooms I have been in just by looking at the hair on the ground — […]