This morning, as I checked my Google Reader in usual fashion, I happened upon an update from Molly Piper. And I couldn’t. Stop. Crying. Some background… If you are a Protestant Christian living in America, there is a very good chance that you are familiar with John Piper. One of the most respected preachers and […]
Would You Choose Your Spouse or Child?
A New Zealand man was forced to make a terrible choice when his wife and son were trapped in a sinking car. He chose to save his wife, and their 13 year old son drowned. Man had to choose: save wife or son In the months prior to our wedding, J and I attended weekly […]
Devotional Christian Books Giveaway
One of my new favorite spiritual blogs, Devotional Christian, is giving away 22 Christian books! Go check out the promotion page for the full list of books. To enter for a chance to win, write a blog post, tweet, or post a note to your church’s website about Devotional Christian. Then fill out this form, […]
The last time I sought help for my depression, I went through a slew of psychologists and psychiatrists. Having grown up in the church, I even visited a few Christian therapists. The one I ended up choosing was not Christian; rather, she was a prim and proper Jewish woman with a smooth, articulate voice that […]
Book Review: The Case for Christ
(I have been posting more book reviews lately for a good reason: I will be moving soon and am currently going through my mountains of books in an effort to divide them into “keep” and “donate” piles. Obviously, there are certain titles that hold dear places in my heart, and I cannot help but re-read them and share them […]