I’ve stated numerous times that Comang is not very bright. And while the desire to please is ever-present, we’ve only been able to teach him a handful of tricks due to his dim-wittedness. So far, Comang knows: sit, stay, down, jump, and high-five. Yes, you read that correctly. Our dog knows how to high-five. It was […]
A Gravel, and Snip Snip
Great news — Comang is okay! The vet found an object lodged in his front left paw, something that J and I had earlier dismissed as being part of the paw. The doc got it out with a clamp and the object looked to be a very sharp piece of gravel. There was some bleeding, but […]
Limping Dog
I have no need for an alarm clock because Comang always wakes me up at around 7:30am to take him on his morning walk. This morning, however, he didn’t come get me until well past 8:30am. ‘That’s strange,’ I thought, but I figured he hadn’t slept well and just brushed it off. The second sign that […]
Link Dump
Today is a typical day after a holiday weekend in that there were TONS of goodies to be read and discovered on my Google Reader. Instead of creating a separate post for each one of them, I’ve decided to do a monster round-up post of my favorite reads of the day. Some of these are […]
Dog Fetches Beer
My mission, before the baby is born, is to teach Comang to fetch diapers on command. Via Comedy.com. You may also like: Sharing is Caring Dogbrella Keeps Your Pooch Dry in the Rain [Genius Invention] 13 Reasons Why Humans Are the Cutest Animals Website of the Day: Sad Animal Facts
A Picture for a Terrible Tuesday
I’m having a really crappy day. So here’s one for me, along with anyone else who might be down in the dumps… Via The Daily What. P.S. — Sadly, I doubt Comang will let our baby girl do this to him. In fact, I’m pretty sure he’s scared of babies and kids, as he always deliberately […]
Après Vet
Comang had his annual appointment with the vet today. The doctor gave us a clean bill of health and praised my little guy many times over for his good behavior. I was so proud of my little man — he didn’t even flinch as the vet administered the rabies and distemper shots! Did you know […]
Monkey Fight
It was a vicious fight (as evidenced by the cuts on the monkey’s face), but in the end, they decided to “hug it out, bitch.” You may also like: Sharing is Caring Star Wars Costumes (126 Days Until Halloween) Dogbrella Keeps Your Pooch Dry in the Rain [Genius Invention] 13 Reasons Why Humans Are the […]
Pooped Out
I’m sorry for yesterday and today’s lack of updates. After having overnight guests and hosting a weekend full of World Cup festivities, we are nothing short of pooped. Even the little guy shares in our fatigue: I know we have a nice DSLR with which we can take fabulous photos. I also know that I […]
Pet Travel Kit
I am very lucky to have parents who love dogs and so do not mind watching Comang whenever J and I have to go away. (And I imagine this will also be the case when our baby girl is born.) Whenever we pack his stuff to go “stay at grandma and grandpa’s,” we usually stuff everything […]