Update: This giveaway has ended. Congratulations to Elisa T, who entered via Twitter! If you are anything like me, you would probably agree that most baby books out on the market are crap. They are usually pretty cheesy and most do not have anything extra special about them. This is the primary reason I was […]
Guest Post: Geek Chic Decor
Today, I am featuring a guest post by Kristin of Bien Living Design, an interior decorating service based out of Chicago. Kristin is a firm believer that great style can be had without breaking the bank, and that everyone can and should have access to an interior decorator, which is precisely why she launched her […]
Simpsons Christmas Cards
Looking at these makes me melancholy for some reason. I think to my own loved ones and reflect on how much they have changed, and will continue to change over the years. But this sadness and nostalgia is also mixed with hope for the future. 🙂 Via Reddit. You may also like: If Disney Princesses Had […]
All Airports Should Have BannerXpress Kiosks
Last month, Amsterdam’s Schipol Airport became the first airport to install a BannerXpress kiosk and the banner printing machine couldn’t be more popular. Installed at the airport’s arrivals area, BannerXpress allows friends and families of passengers to create and print “welcome home” banners with custom fonts, graphics, messages and background images. The kiosk accepts debit and credit […]
The Circle of Life
Okay, fess up. Who hasn’t picked up a baby or a pet while singing “The Circle of Life”? 😀 (And I personally fell in love with Modern Family after watching Cameron do this with Lily on the pilot episode.) Via 9GAG. You may also like: If Disney Princesses Had Instagram Grumpy Cat Meets Disney Marvelous Street Fighter […]
Backwards Cape [Adorable Baby Bib]
Must…get…this…for…Aerin! (Not because I favor her over Claire, but because Claire doesn’t need bibs anymore. 🙂 ) Get your own at INKtastic! Via Laughing Squid. You may also like: Baby Recreates Scenes from Famous Movies Tattletale Restful Slumber…Or Not Dogbrella Keeps Your Pooch Dry in the Rain [Genius Invention]
Zombie Attack Barbie
I have never been a doll person, even as a little girl. Would I be opposed to my girls gettings Barbies or other dolls? No, but that doesn’t mean that I would prefer them to get something else, like a Transformer. 😉 The Zombie Attack Barbie, on the other hand, is a doll I can get […]
The Cutest (Little) Printer You’ve Ever Seen
I may be a geek and a gadget-lover, but I don’t always embrace new technology. I like to stay old-school in some aspects of my life, including my preferences of old-fashioned books over e-readers, physical keyboards over touchscreens, and even a pad & pencil over many phone apps. And this is precisely why I love the […]
Baby Announcement Video
After watching this kickass stop-motion video announcing the birth of baby Althea Elicona, I wish I had been more creative in announcing my pregnancies and the births of my children… Via haha.nu. You may also like: Parenting WIN [Flying with Babies] We All Have Superpowers [Comic] “Once Upon a Time” — A Fairy Tale Themed Baby […]
Guest Post: Shoes
Today, I present to you another guest post from Nicholas Stirling. Here, he writes about his adorable daughter Abby and her squeaky shoes. I confess that I used to find these shoes annoying, but have completely changed my mind once I became a mother and began to see their usefulness, as well as the joy […]