Today’s guest post comes from Sarah of Bend it Like Becker fame. Here she compares parenting a human baby to a puppy. And as someone who has raised dogs for most of her life, one of which was a high-needs puppy, I can completely attest to the fact that yes, pets can be just as […]
Best Toddler Costume: Carl from “Up”
I know that Halloween has come and gone. And I am well-aware that I already appointed the best baby costume of the year on my Facebook page. BUT. You tell me how I could resist this. That’s right. What you see here is baby Rizden, whose photographer mom, Stephanie Read, dressed him up as Carl Fredricksen, the […]
Guest Post: Survival of the Fittest
Our next guest post comes courtesy of one of my favorite contributors from last year: father, teacher, and writer Nicholas Stirling. I couldn’t help but be ecstatic when he agreed to contribute again, and that he wrote TWO pieces for my maternity-blogging-leave. In this first piece, he writes about an experience that required the strongest […]
Baby Recreates Scenes from Famous Movies
For the past four months, baby Arthur has been helping his mother recreate scenes from famous movies, with predictably adorable results. I can’t help but be reminded of Mila’s Daydreams, except with a funny twist. 😀 The Blair Witch Project: 12 Angry Men: American Beauty: Rambo: First Blood: Close Encounters of the […]
Vampire Identification Chart
A clever and season-appropriate poster by Ben Douglass (available for purchase via society6). Is it just me, or does “The Half-Breed Assassin” look like he wants to butcher “The Sparkly One”? 😛 My own question above reminded me of this classic Photoshop job: Via Laughing Squid. You may also like: If Disney Princesses Had Instagram Marvelous Street Fighter + […]
Working With Dogs
Don’t you know it’s a “doggy dog” world? (Ten points for the first person who knows what television show I’m referencing!) Via final ellipsis. You may also like: 13 Reasons Why Humans Are the Cutest Animals Website of the Day: Sad Animal Facts The Secret Lives of Superhero Toys Doll Play
How to Find Kentucky on the Map
When I was in 3rd grade, I became the first person in my class to memorize all the states and their capitals in alphabetical order. I was also the first to correctly identify each state on a map of the United States. Sadly, that was the peak of my geographical knowledge. I can now only correctly […]
Wedding Invites & Favors of the Year [Super Mario FTW!]
I know I used to blog for a wedding community, but it’s been more than 3.5 years since my wedding and frankly, the subject just doesn’t interest me much anymore. BUT. Once in a while I come across pictures from certain weddings and I can’t help but think, ‘DANG! Why didn’t we think of that? […]
The Seven Deadly Keys
Simply brilliant! (And 5 points for anyone who can tell me the Mac equivalent of Ctrl+Alt+Delete!) Via Sticky Comics. You may also like: The Secret Lives of Superhero Toys “3-CPO” Lego Representations of the 50 States Disney’s Hollywood Studios Star Wars Weekends 2012 Posters
Claire’s Ham Face
I have a sore throat and a slight fever. Keeping myself healthy in these last remaining weeks of the pregnancy is high priority, so I will be taking it easy today. Here’s something to make up for the lack of posts: an animated GIF of Claire’s ham face: How can you look at this and […]