J and I have loved the hit ABC show Modern Family ever since my sister introduced us to it mid-first season. And over the past summer, as we patiently waited the new season by re-watching reruns, something began to dwell on us… “Hey, isn’t…?” “Phil Dunphy acts a lot like you!” “And you’re exactly like Claire!” And […]
The Ladies of Madison Avenue: Playboy Edition
Tauntr, the site behind the fake Ben & Jerry’s pop culture ice cream flavors you’ve been seeing all over the web recently, has created four faux vintage covers of Playboy magazine featuring characters from the AMC hit show Mad Men. Now, I know at least some of my readers will be offended by my featuring Playboy covers here, […]
Celebrity Sightings and Meetings
I just finished watching the season premiere of Dexter and was surprised to see that Colin Hanks would be playing this season’s villain. Don’t get me wrong — I know that he is a great actor and would probably knock the role out of the park, but having met him in person, it is a bit […]
Harry Potter vs. Lord of the Rings
My Harry Potter vs. Star Wars post has been one of the most popular to date, garnering over 3,000 “Like”s on Facebook alone! Today, I share with you the Lord of the Rings version. And I gotta admit — Harry Potter seems to have more in common with LOTR than with Star Wars. Enjoy! Via Reddit. You may […]
‘The Princess Bride’ Monopoly [I Want!]
The Princess Bride is one of my all-time favorite books. Sure, the movie has its moments (“MAH-widge…MAH-widge is what bwings us together today. Wove, twoo wove…”), but as with most big screen adaptations of novels, I feel that the film version — while doing a great job of including most of the best parts of the […]
Toy Story vs. The Office
Now that I’ve seen it all laid out, the similarities are uncanny! Via Cannot Unsee. You may also like: Famous Movie Directors as Chefs Parody Posters of 2015 Oscar Nominated Films If Disney Princesses Had Instagram Marvelous Street Fighter + Minions Mashup
3 Things I’m Digging Right Now
1. 7 Little Words This little app has got me losing sleep and seeing word combos everywhere! (Similar to when you play Tetris for too long, you start seeing Tetris shapes in your head. :-P) I’ve gotten a bunch of my friends hooked on it too, including J, who usually hates word games. I’m going […]
CSI: Seems Legit
I remember reading that shows like CSI are doing no favors for the judicial system, because jurors are demanding the highly improbable (and oftentimes quite costly) technological hocus-pocus that is seen on the shows. I am often left having similar thoughts — “But they did it on ‘House’!” — during hospital visits and stays. 😀 Via […]
If Movie Hotels Were Reviewed on TripAdvisor
I still say that the best TripAdvisor review — real or fake — is that of Schrute Farms of Honesdale, PA. 😀 Via Screen Junkies. You may also like: Famous Movie Directors as Chefs Parody Posters of 2015 Oscar Nominated Films If Disney Princesses Had Instagram Marvelous Street Fighter + Minions Mashup
“Twilight” in 4 Seconds
This made me laugh so hard I had tears running down my face. Take a look — it’s only 4 seconds long! The video above is actually a clip from a parody of the “Breaking Dawn” trailer by Jack at jacksfilms. The full movie can be viewed here. 🙂 Via Reddit. You may also like: […]