Aug 25, 2011  •  In Entertainment

They Will Not Take No for an Answer

Remember how earlier this year, we canceled cable in addition to our land line? Since then, our cable company has been trying its darndest to win back our subscriptions. When we first moved into our home, we had signed up for their Triple Play package, which included cable, internet, and phone for about $100/month for […]

Aug 21, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Entertainment

Paper Dolls from Your Favorite Television Shows

Illustrator Kyle Hilton has been creating a new paper doll based on his favorite TV characters each week. Among the television shows are the likes of Parks and Recreation, Breaking Bad, and one of my all-time favs, Arrested Development! Be sure to click on over to to see the paper dolls from his other favorite […]

Aug 1, 2011  •  In Blogging, Entertainment, Geek, Personal, Science

My Favorite Week of the Summer

…is Discovery Channel’s Shark Week. I don’t particularly like the ocean, nor am I a very good swimmer. In fact, I have a ridiculous fear of most fish (yes, even goldfish!). But these majestic creatures have always fascinated me. I remember taking out tons of books on sharks from the library when I was a little […]

Jul 12, 2011  •  In Entertainment, Funny

The Law & Order: SVU Drinking Game

I wonder which would get you drunk faster: this or the “But Um” game from HIMYM? Via Miss Cellania. You may also like: Marvel Comics: What If? How Archer is Just Like Futurama Famous Movie Directors as Chefs The Secret Lives of Superhero Toys

Jul 2, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Books, Cute, Entertainment, Funny

Harry Potter Characters, South Park Style

deviantART user Sam Frank has painstakingly re-drawn every major recurring character in Harry Potter in the style of South Park. I especially love Moaning Myrtle — I immediately knew who she was at first glance! Via Bit Rebels. P.S. — Have you entered my Amazon Gift Card Giveaway yet? You can win $100, $50, or $25! […]

May 26, 2011  •  In Entertainment, Gadgets, Geek, Home, Personal

Going Cable-Free, the Geek Way

Late last year J and I made the decision to cancel our cable. Not because we had stopped watching TV, but because we were no longer watching our favorite shows as they air. Sure, the DVR that our cable company had provided was getting a lot of mileage, but we couldn’t ignore the fact that […]