For what it’s worth, I believe that the best Stan Lee cameo ever was in Mallrats. 🙂 For those that are wondering why newer films are not included in the montage, fret not — the creator of the compilation plans on updating it with Mr. Lee’s cameos in Iron Man 2, Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger. […]
Three Things
First… HAPPY STAR WARS DAY!!! Second… In celebration of Star Wars Day, Lucasfilm has announced all of the details about the upcoming Star Wars Blu-ray releases (set for September 16). You can either purchase the complete saga with all the movies included, or the original trilogy or the prequels separately. The discs will include an […]
The Hats Stole the Show
I wasn’t planning on waking up at the crack ass of dawn to watch the royal wedding, but apparently my cranky daughter had other plans by waking up with a screamfest at 4am and refusing to go back to sleep. You guys, I think I may have a future princess-wannabe on my hands. Or at […]
Harry Potter, Abridged [Comics]
After visiting Harry Potter: The Exhibition in person, AND knowing that the final movie is due to be released in theaters in just a couple of months, I have slowly started to re-read the entire series again (probably for about the sixth time). I don’t know what it is about J.K. Rowling, but that woman […]
April 21, 2011
I have not been a big fan of James Cameron’s latest films (I tried soooo hard to like Avatar. I really did! But, after three failed attempts at trying to watch the movie without falling asleep, I have called it quits.) but I remain a huge dorkus over his earlier masterpieces. Aliens. The Abyss. And […]
Additional [Fictional] Reading for Harry Potter Nerds
J and my 3-year anniversary falls in five days. But since the actual date is a Monday, we will be celebrating this Saturday instead…in true nerd fashion. That’s right — we will be attending Harry Potter: The Exhibition at Discovery Times Square! (We also have reservations at my favorite steak house this side of the […]
Rumors I’ve Heard About Anna Wintour
It’s confession time, boys and girls! I don’t particularly like the book The Devil Wears Prada. I don’t think the movie was that great either (despite the oh-so-fab outfits). So why is it that I’ve read the book numerous times, and watched the movie more times than I would like to admit? Are there any […]
Two Videos and a Winner
Or, this is what happens when I’m too tired to properly blog. The first video, via Gizmodo, reveals how NASA Photoshops Hubble’s images. According to HubbleSite: Hubble images are made, not born. Images must be woven together from the incoming data from the cameras, cleaned up and given colors that bring out features that eyes […]
“The Life Aquatic” Told in 60 Seconds [Also, in Clay]
The Life Aquatic is my favorite Wes Anderson movie, so I can’t not share this awesome claymation spoof remake. I only wish the creators had used the fantastic soundtrack from the original, but I guess there’s only so much you could fit into 60 seconds. 🙂 Via Geek Tyrant. You may also like: Famous Movie […]
“How I Met Your Mother” Russian Remake
This is just too hilariously awesome not to share. Fans of CBS’s How I Met Your Mother will undoubtedly be able to easily identify each character and scene as I have. And as Best Week Ever states, “Russian versions of TV shows look a whole lot like porn parody versions of TV shows, but with […]