FACEBOOK TO BEGIN CHARGING USERS $2.99/MO STARTING NOVEMBER 1ST, the headline read. A friend — who is very active on Facebook with over 1,000 friends and numerous subscribers — had shared the article to her timeline. The response was swift and immediate. Grief. Denial. Rage. Threats to move to other social networks. Only then did an astute […]
Honest Video Game Box Art
Honest Video Game Box Art is a Facebook page that edits video game covers to more accurately depict its gameplay, and/or what it does to the people playing it. As you can imagine, it hosts some pretty funny revisions. Here are some of my favorites — the Contra cover has to be my favorite! You […]
What Social Networking Was Like Before the Internet
And there would be a lot more kids playing outside. Via Wrong Hands. You may also like: Wednesday Rewind: The 10 Levels of Intimacy in Today’s Communication How Donuts Help Us Understand Social Media How Pee Helps Us Understand Social Media Class of 2011: The Social Media Yearbook
Top 10 Signs You (And Your Friends) Are Addicted to Candy Crush
Candy pieces dance around in front of your eyes as you drift off to sleep every night. You know which levels are the hard ones because of the sheer amount of people complaining about them (30, 35, 65. 97, and 98). That damn. Last. JELLY. You know which of your friends are slackers at work, […]
NFL Quarterbacks on Facebook: Super Bowl XLVII Edition
You guys, the Baltimore Ravens won the Super Bowl. My team was crowned the 2012-2013 NFL Champions. This may not seem like much to most people, but it’s a BIG FREAKING DEAL to someone whose two favorite teams (the Knicks and the Ravens) have yielded countless disappointments and heartaches for more than a decade. So […]
Wednesday Rewind: The 10 Levels of Intimacy in Today’s Communication
Once in a while, when I get bored, I like to look through the archives of this blog and reflect upon (and laugh at!) all the things I have shared with the web over the years. Because, heck, after 1,801 posts, even I don’t remember everything. There’s also the braggart in me who likes to shout, “Hey! […]
What Are the Chances?!?!!!
Yesterday was a cool yet pleasant day. With temperatures in the low 50s and the sun shining overhead, I decided to take Aerin for a walk despite my lingering cold. (Claire was with her grandparents.) We walked the 22 blocks to my favorite children’s park and I sat Aerin down on a swing. She hadn’t […]
Aliens Attacking the Earth! [A Facebook Social Experiment]
Via Reddit. You may also like: Thoroughly Depressing Comics About Our Relationship to Facebook What Social Networking Was Like Before the Internet Wednesday Rewind: The 10 Levels of Intimacy in Today’s Communication How Donuts Help Us Understand Social Media
How Donuts Help Us Understand Social Media
Ed. note: It has come to my attention that the content for the image below already exists. I had seen the Google+ one from a Google+ post, was immediately reminded of the “How Pee Helps Us Understand Social Media” graphic, and made this, further inspired by the comments on the Google+ thread. (I have not […]
Cool Tool Tuesdays: MCP Free Facebook Fix Photoshop Actions
Welcome to today’s installment of Cool Tool Tuesdays, where I feature a favorite item from my life and spotlight it so that others who are not familiar with the product may also benefit from it. A cool tool can be any book, gadget, software, hardware, material, or website that I have personally tried and love. Do […]