We are currently at my parents’ where I am helping my mother prepare my famous galbijiim (Korean braised short ribs). I wanted to share a photo of Claire I took earlier today in celebration of Father’s Day, but I am not able to process RAW files on my parents’ laptop. 🙁 As such, here is […]
U.S. Cities According to Twitter
Did you know that 66% of Twitter users don’t list an actual location on their profile? And while I assume that most seem to do this for privacy reasons, there is also the fun factor (such as “Justin Bieber’s Heart”). InboxQ has sifted through various geotagged tweets in order to bring us a map of […]
The Past vs The Present
Times, they are a-changin’! Via The Daily What. P.S. — Gotta love the little detail on the last panel! You may also like: 13 Reasons Why Humans Are the Cutest Animals Website of the Day: Sad Animal Facts Mr. Men, Millennials Edition 3 Things I Found on the Internet Today
If Programming Languages Were Boats
I happened upon this hilarious post over at CompSci.ca Blog. It has certainly led to some great comments as well as some friendly debating among CS nerds… Turing Turing would definitely be a kayak. It’s small. It’s human powered. It’s often used as a beginner “boat.” And it’s also very Canadian. photo by naokomc Java Java is […]
How “Go the F**k to Sleep” Just Got a Million Times Better
Remember when I wrote about the book Go the F**k to Sleep? Well, it just got about a million times better. How so? Well, Audible.com has just released an audio version of the book… And it’s narrated by none other than… Samuel L. Jackson! Seriously. If you could have picked ONE person to read this book, […]
Every Day Posters Every Day
We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you your Tumblr Site of the Day… Every Day Posters Every Day aims to bring you every day activities or occurrences, no matter how trivial or mundane, and celebrate them in the form of posters. Readers are encouraged to submit their own should they feel that their favorite […]
Harry Potter Math
With the final HP film just a month away, how can any self-respectable fan not crack a smile at this? Via BuzzFeed. You may also like: Harry Potter Characters: Books vs Movies The World of Star Wars: A Timeline Visualization Parody Posters of 2015 Oscar Nominated Films Into the Great Unknown
This is a perfect illustration of what happens on my bed when Comang decides that walking around me would take too much effort. Via WarrenEllis.com. You may also like: 13 Reasons Why Humans Are the Cutest Animals Website of the Day: Sad Animal Facts Mr. Men, Millennials Edition 3 Things I Found on the Internet […]
One… Holy crap can you believe this is a cupcake??!?? Via This Isn’t Happiness. Two… The difference a year makes: Via Young Me/Now Me. Three… Age verification win: Via The Fail Blog. Four… The Legion of Super-Groomsmen: Via Wired: Geek Dad. Five… And just because I can: P.S. — Someone […]
If Fonts Were Dogs
I know that I do my fair share of Comic Sans bashing on this blog, and I can’t help but feel a bit sorry for the ubiquitous typeface from time to time. But when I saw this in my Google Reader this morning, I almost spit out my drink and knew that I had to share […]