Apr 4, 2011  •  In Funny, Infographics, Travel

The Pedestrian’s Guide to US Cities

I’ve been to every city on this chart with the exception of New Orleans…and I have to say that it’s true! Passerbys gawked at me in horror when I attempted to jaywalk in Seattle, DC crosswalks can get confusing, and my LA friends drive everywhere. Don’t even get me started on NY.     Via […]

Apr 1, 2011  •  In Funny, Geek, Personal

It’s April Already?

April may be a month known for its vast precipitation, but it has always been my favorite month of the year. It also doesn’t hurt that our wedding anniversary falls this month.  🙂 That being said, HELLO? Can we please get some sunshine and weather above 50 degrees? While my west coast friends have been […]

Mar 31, 2011  •  In Cute, Funny, Geek, Video Games

Angry Birds Solved

Or, this is what you get when you mix Angry Birds with The Muppets. Via Cannot Unsee. You may also like: Life Lessons from Super Mario Brothers The Secret Lives of Superhero Toys “3-CPO” Lego Representations of the 50 States

Mar 29, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Funny, Marketing/Advertising


MTV Germany has created a series of comic-style ads to humorously deliver their “safe sex” message. Remember, kids. Sex is no accident. Via Zevs. You may also like: Disney’s Hollywood Studios Star Wars Weekends 2012 Posters Everybody Reads the Same Story Differently Secret Invasion Ads, Remixed How Archer is Just Like Futurama

Mar 28, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Books, Entertainment, Funny, Movies

Rumors I’ve Heard About Anna Wintour

It’s confession time, boys and girls! I don’t particularly like the book The Devil Wears Prada. I don’t think the movie was that great either (despite the oh-so-fab outfits). So why is it that I’ve read the book numerous times, and watched the movie more times than I would like to admit? Are there any […]

Mar 27, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Entertainment, Funny, Movies, Science, Web

Two Videos and a Winner

Or, this is what happens when I’m too tired to properly blog. The first video, via Gizmodo, reveals how NASA Photoshops Hubble’s images. According to HubbleSite: Hubble images are made, not born. Images must be woven together from the incoming data from the cameras, cleaned up and given colors that bring out features that eyes […]

Mar 22, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Funny, Geek, Personal

Historically Hardcore

Artist Jenny Burrows and her copywriter friend Matt Kappler created these mock ads during school for inclusion in their portfolio…and it went viral. The posters initially had the Smithsonian name and logo at the bottom, but the museum, who was none too pleased with the attention, asked for the association to be removed. (I personally […]

Mar 22, 2011  •  In Entertainment, Funny

“How I Met Your Mother” Russian Remake

This is just too hilariously awesome not to share. Fans of CBS’s How I Met Your Mother will undoubtedly be able to easily identify each character and scene as I have. And as Best Week Ever states, “Russian versions of TV shows look a whole lot like porn parody versions of TV shows, but with […]

Mar 21, 2011  •  In Funny, Personal

Stupid Tongue

Spring may have officially begun, but it’s a miserable day today here in the NYC area (can you believe it snowed this morning?) Whenever the weather is like this I feel like an old lady. My joints ache and my eyelids feel like they’re made out of lead. My mind feels fuzzy and I can’t […]