Last month I received a phone call from my dad. This is how the conversation went: Dad: Jenny I want a smartphone. GiH: That’s great. What kind do you want? Dad: …the smartphone. GiH: Okay, but there are many different types of smartphones. Do you have a specific brand in mind? Dad: The one that my […]
If You Watch It Backwards [Tumblr Blog of the Day]
If You Watch it Backwards is a submission-fueled Tumblr blog which tells you exactly what would happen if a movie or TV show’s plot or premise were reversed. Some of my favorites from the first few pages include: If you watch Pinnocchio backwards, it’s about a fairy that turns a boy into a puppet, who is […]
How Pee Helps Us Understand Social Media
Great chart. My only question is: how come I’ve never heard of Quora? Via Gizmodo (still hating the new layout of all Gawker sites!) You may also like: What Social Networking Was Like Before the Internet Wednesday Rewind: The 10 Levels of Intimacy in Today’s Communication How Donuts Help Us Understand Social Media Class […]
Box vs. Animal
Via The Daily What. You may also like: 13 Reasons Why Humans Are the Cutest Animals Anatomy of the Holidays [Comic] Marvel Comics: What If? Will Rohan Answer?
Tummy Time Fail [Faceplant]
I know that I said I would not worry about my daughter meeting her milestones on time, but I cannot help but be a teensy bit concerned that she is nearing six months of age and has not rolled over once. She actually quite enjoys the first 5-10 minutes of each tummy time. She looks […]
“Boob” is the Perfect Word
Via The Daily What. P.S. — Blogging continues to be light as I’m still feeling pretty crappy these days. I’ve been to the doc earlier this week and while the meds he’s given me seems to be helping a bit, I have yet to feel myself. I will write more about my physical condition in […]
Conan’s Honest iPad 2 Promotional Video
As I’m sure the majority of my readers are already aware, last week the iPad 2 was announced with a flourish only reserved for Apple’s cult products. Despite the not-too-impressive advances from the original iPad (to me, thinning the profile and slapping two mediocre cameras to the device do not warrant a significant upgrade), thousands […]
Dogbrella Keeps Your Pooch Dry in the Rain [Genius Invention]
Any dog owner can attest to the fact that walking your dog in the rain is a giant PITA. And those adorable doggie raincoats? They don’t work so well with dogs (ahem, Comang!) who freak out at the mere idea of having anything on their heads. Enter the Dogbrella. Selling on Hammacher Schlemmer for $29.95, the […]
The Tree of Life (BLT Edition)
Dang, I can really use a good BLT right now… Via Neatorama. You may also like: Translated TV Show Titles How Agencies Really Work [Infographic] Video Game Character Butchering Charts If Web Browsers Were Celebrities [Infographic]
When You Write Your Essays in Programming Languages
Via Geeks are Sexy. You may also like: Marvel Comics: What If? Will Rohan Answer? The Secret Lives of Superhero Toys Parody Posters of 2015 Oscar Nominated Films