Via Gizmodo. You may also like: “3-CPO” Once Upon an Internet Google Translate: Star Wars Edition A Visualization of Star Wars Enthusiasm
The Governator Gives California Legislature a Hidden Finger
Intentional or not, this is too funny not to share. Now that‘s a way to veto a bill! Via TechCrunch. You may also like: 13 Reasons Why Humans Are the Cutest Animals Anatomy of the Holidays [Comic] Marvel Comics: What If? Will Rohan Answer?
When Geeks Have Twins
Via Geeks are Sexy. You may also like: Marvel Comics: What If? Will Rohan Answer? The Secret Lives of Superhero Toys Parody Posters of 2015 Oscar Nominated Films
Comic Sans: The Most Hated Typeface in Existence?
Comic Sans. It comes bundled with every operating system. It is one of the most widely-recognized fonts since the dawn of the personal computer. But has there ever been a typeface more hated and ridiculed than Comic Sans? I think that the last time I saw Comic Sans in use was in an AIM conversation, […]
Disapproving Rabbits
Website of the day: They’re cute, they’re fluffy, and they disapprove! You may also like: 13 Reasons Why Humans Are the Cutest Animals Website of the Day: Sad Animal Facts Mr. Men, Millennials Edition 3 Things I Found on the Internet Today
The Super Ninja Monkey Mommy
I had a funny pregnancy-related incident today. On my way home from babysitting, I took my usual R train from south Brooklyn to midtown Manhattan. Being Friday afternoon (and the rain…oh the torrential rain!) the subway filled up pretty quickly and soon, I was glad to have gotten a seat so early in the ride. […]
Magnet Clocks for Your Fridge
Earlier today, I saw this personalized fridge magnet clock by Designplus and let out a delightul little yelp. What a cute and fun way to organize your tasks and chores! I wanted to get one right away for our cluttered-with-too-many-papers-and-pictures fridge. Then I noticed something. What was this? Is that…a man jumping over a crouched […]
Video Game Photography
I ♥ these video game photos by Patrick Runte! Aren’t they just so adorably, creatively geeky? Via Apartment Therapy Unplugged. You may also like: Life Lessons from Super Mario Brothers Angry Birds Solved The Secret Lives of Superhero Toys “3-CPO”
I love the latest Twitter meme – #songsincode! Similar to the internet meme Songs in Chart, here geeks are able to flaunt their creativity and programming know-how by expressing popular songs in code! Some of my favorites: @cael_gomes try{ make(&me); goto rehab; }catch(){ I.said(“no, no, no\0”); } @jamesstephenson a = [“head”, “shoulders”, “knees”, “toes”] while […]
Elephant in the Bathtub
Second mystery of the day: How did the puppy’s favorite toy end up in the bathtub? I thought J put it there as a joke (we had just given the dog a bath) but he swears he didn’t. Comang is a little guy – it is very improbable that he voluntarily placed the elephant into […]