It may seem as though I’ve forgotten about this blog, but I’ve kept up with the WordPress updates, regularly delete spam comments, and constantly have it in the back of my mind. So why another long lapse between updates? To be frank, my life is boring. Life is good, but boring with not much to […]
Jenny the Cook
I used to love cooking. I was pretty damn good at it too. (If you haven’t visited my profile yet, yes it’s true that I make the best 갈비찜 — galbijiim, or Korean braised short ribs — in the world and anyone who’s tasted it will attest to it. People have even suggested that I open […]
Giveaway: Celebrate the Release of “Skyfall” on Blu Ray with a $50 Amazon Gift Card!
This is the endHold your breath and count to tenFeel the earth move and thenHear my heart burst again For this is the endI’ve drowned and dreamt this momentSo overdue I owe themSwept away, I’m stolen… Unless you’ve been living under a rock these past few months, there’s a very good chance you’ve heard Adele’s […]
Giveaway: Home Décor Items from Bedly!
Who wouldn’t want to live in a beautifully-decorated home? While many of us would like to think that we have a good eye for home décor, the truth of the matter is that not all of us do. Or, we may just not have the money, time, or resources to seek out the pieces we’d like […]
Penguin Paperback Style Covers for Video Games
Are you a gamer who also cares about home decor, i.e., beautiful book spines on your shelves such as the Penguin Classics collection? If so, Etsy seller James Bit has the product for you: video game covers à la old Penguin paperback books! These custom covers, costing $6 for 3, is a surefire way to class up your […]
A Day in the Life… (Part Two)
Welcome to the second half of my “Day in the Life” with a 18-month-old and a 5-month-old. You can go here to read the first half. When we left off, the girls were both napping while I was enjoying some alone time… 1:45pm: Both girls wake up from their nap at the same time! (This […]
A Day in the Life… (Part One)
Ever since I became a mother of “two under two,” I have received a few requests for a “Day in the Life” post, detailing what a typical day is like for me. Better late than never, right? 😉 This post chronicles the first half of Monday, April 2, 2012. Claire had just turned 18 months […]
Lunar New Year Paper Crafts by Canon
This weekend, as he does every year, J will be decorating our home for Lunar New Year with various Chinese paper cutouts and prints which are meant to ward off bad spirits and bring good fortune to the household in the new year. For those who may be unfamiliar with Chinese culture, the Lunar New […]
Cool Tool Tuesdays: Panasonic Electric Thermo Pot
I have decided to implement some regularity to this blog. I believe that not only will it give readers something to look forward to on a weekly basis, it will also force me to be more creative as well as provide a focus when I am struggling with writer’s block. The new schedule will not […]
IKEA Kitchenware Transformed into Art [Photography]
IKEA has once again teamed up with photographer Carl Kleiner for a new campaign that highlights its kitchenware. Evoking the successful Homemade is Best campaign, Kleiner, in conjunction with stylist Evelina Bratell, has beautified simple bowls, plates, utensils, and the like into divine works of art. For more information, be sure to check out and Via Trendland. You may […]