Nov 9, 2011  •  In Guest Posts, Home, Shopping

Guest Post: Times, They Are A Changin’

Today’s guest post comes from Lauren of Oh Lordy! Here, she writes about the changes in interests in shopping and internet research that seem to correspond to different stages in life, and I couldn’t agree more! I still remember spending hours and hours looking for the perfect bag online…now that’s been replaced with researching the perfect […]

Nov 5, 2011  •  In Geek, Guest Posts, Home, Shopping, Toys

Guest Post: When the One You Love Loves Legos

The following guest post comes from Amy of Parker Haus Roles, who has compiled a fantastic Lego Gift Guide (!!!), complete with pictures and links. J and I can’t WAIT until our kids are old enough to start enjoying Legos. We’ve been eyeing the gargantuan Star Wars sets for quite some time now, waiting for an “excuse” […]

Aug 22, 2011  •  In Funny, Home

Why Toilet Paper Should Hang OVER the Roll [A Compelling Argument]

I have discussed my stance on this issue before, and even shared with you an infographic on the Science of Toilet Paper Orientation. Today, I bring you the most persuasive argument I have seen so far on why “Over is Right, Under is Wrong.”   Does anyone still maintain that toilet paper should hang under […]