Today, I am featuring a guest post by Kristin of Bien Living Design, an interior decorating service based out of Chicago. Kristin is a firm believer that great style can be had without breaking the bank, and that everyone can and should have access to an interior decorator, which is precisely why she launched her […]
Guest Post: Discovering the Differences a Glass Makes
When Maggie asked me if my readers might be interested in a post about wine glasses and how they affect the taste of wine, my reaction was, “Uh…heck yes!” I may have been jumping the gun a little there, but all I knew was that *I* wanted to learn more about wine glasses! So here’s […]
Guest Post: Whatever Happened to Thanksgiving?
As much as I love the holidays, I’m the type to get irritated to see Christmas decorations up in public or to hear holiday songs on the radio before the month of December. So it comes as no surprise that I nodded in agreement as I read the following guest post from contributor Terri — […]
Guest Post: DIY Decorations for Claire’s First Birthday Party
This post comes from none other than my SIL, for whose friendship and affinity I treasure every day. Just over a month ago, she very graciously lent her time and talent to decorating Claire’s first birthday party and here, she details how she created each element of the fantastic DIY decor. She just recently moved halfway […]
Guest Post: Times, They Are A Changin’
Today’s guest post comes from Lauren of Oh Lordy! Here, she writes about the changes in interests in shopping and internet research that seem to correspond to different stages in life, and I couldn’t agree more! I still remember spending hours and hours looking for the perfect bag online…now that’s been replaced with researching the perfect […]
Guest Post: When the One You Love Loves Legos
The following guest post comes from Amy of Parker Haus Roles, who has compiled a fantastic Lego Gift Guide (!!!), complete with pictures and links. J and I can’t WAIT until our kids are old enough to start enjoying Legos. We’ve been eyeing the gargantuan Star Wars sets for quite some time now, waiting for an “excuse” […]
The Great Pumpkin Massacre [à la Calvin and Hobbes]
Calvin and Hobbes is my all-time favorite comic strip, and I still count The Complete Calvin and Hobbes to be one of the best presents J has ever gifted me. I seriously can’t wait until our children are old enough to start enjoying these comics! If you are also a fan of C&H, you are probably well-aware […]
Vanishing Fruitwash Labels [A “Why Didn’t I Think of That?” Invention]
One of my biggest pet peeves is the annoying labels that grocery stores stick on their produce. I get that there needs to be a way to label the items. But they just seem so wasteful and bothersome…and it’s the worst when they are difficult to remove, sometimes even leaving behind a sticky residue! Enter designer/inventor Scott […]
NOVICA Review and a $75 Gift Card Giveaway!
Update: This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to Di, who entered via the comments section below! I will be the first to admit that I am not always a socially-conscious shopper — while I do my best to support local businesses, I hardly ever really hold a newly purchased product in my hands, wondering about […]
Why Toilet Paper Should Hang OVER the Roll [A Compelling Argument]
I have discussed my stance on this issue before, and even shared with you an infographic on the Science of Toilet Paper Orientation. Today, I bring you the most persuasive argument I have seen so far on why “Over is Right, Under is Wrong.” Does anyone still maintain that toilet paper should hang under […]