Jul 12, 2011  •  In Comang, Home

Eye Boogers on Our Walls!

Meet Comang. An old picture of our shih-tzu, before (like my husband likes to say)his “manhood was taken away” He may never pee or poop in the house. But he likes to leave his mark in other ways. How? By smearing his eye boogers all over our walls and moldings. I present to you exhibits […]

Jul 10, 2011  •  In Finance, Home, Information, Personal

What Costs More in 2011?

Living in an area with fairly good public transportation — in addition to having an infant who does not like car rides much — I hardly ever drive anymore. I even walk to the grocery store, pushing Claire in her stroller (thank goodness our stroller has a huge bottom compartment that fits 5-6 full grocery […]

Jun 15, 2011  •  In Aerin, Baby, Claire, Home, Parenting, Personal

Second Baby Purchases

Update on the bloody mucous: I’m still spotting and cramping a bit, but it has definitely lessened so we won’t be going to the ER. Needless to say, I didn’t get much sleep last night. And since I am supposed to be taking it easy (and the nanny isn’t available on Wednesdays), J took the […]

Jun 14, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Home, Wishlist

Paper Coasters by Terada Naoki

I am loving these paper coasters by Japanese designer Terada Naoki — the delicate profiles, the shadows they cast, and (perhaps the best part) how they can be stacked on top of one another to create more elements. Unfortunately, they only seem to be available in Japan at the moment.  🙁 Via HolyCool.net. You may also […]

May 26, 2011  •  In Entertainment, Gadgets, Geek, Home, Personal

Going Cable-Free, the Geek Way

Late last year J and I made the decision to cancel our cable. Not because we had stopped watching TV, but because we were no longer watching our favorite shows as they air. Sure, the DVR that our cable company had provided was getting a lot of mileage, but we couldn’t ignore the fact that […]

May 12, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Geek, Home, Infographics, Science

The Science of Toilet Paper Orientation

The good people of Engineering Degree have tackled one of the most pressing issues of our time: should toilet paper hang over or under? Check out the infographic below for a scientific approach to toilet paper orientation. For instance, did you know that how you prefer your toilet paper may determine your personality? And that […]

Apr 18, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Books, Home, Photography

Child’s Play: A Book Bed

In the East, it is not uncommon for people to use thin mattresses in lieu of a bed. The mattresses are folded/rolled and stored away during the day to save space. (This is, in fact, how my family slept when we lived in Korea.) Creative photographer Yusuke Suzuki has taken this concept and transformed it to […]

Feb 22, 2011  •  In Baby, Claire, Home

Baby Nursery on a Low to Mid-Range Budget

While sites such as Ohdeedoh are wonderful for nursery inspiration and exposure to baby/kid-oriented furniture and decor, it’s no secret that the majority of the stuff they feature are…well, expensive. It was never our intention to go all-out on Claire’s nursery, the reasons being that the rest of our condo doesn’t contain high-end furniture (95% […]

Feb 10, 2011  •  In Art/Design, Home

Chalkboard Wall Calendars

I immediately fell in love with this chalkboard wall calendar by the vinyl wall art company Simple Shapes. Oh how I wish I had an office I can decorate with inspired and functional pieces like this! You can even order the chalk ink pen through their Etsy shop. Apparently, the stuff’s been around for a […]