Sep 11, 2009  •  In Art/Design, Funny, Home, Personal

Magnet Clocks for Your Fridge

Earlier today, I saw this personalized fridge magnet clock by Designplus and let out a delightul little yelp. What a cute and fun way to organize your tasks and chores! I wanted to get one right away for our cluttered-with-too-many-papers-and-pictures fridge. Then I noticed something. What was this? Is that…a man jumping over a crouched […]

Sep 5, 2009  •  In Books, Home, Personal

Neil Gaiman’s Personal Library

I have been a long-time fan of Neil Gaiman, whom I consider the contemporary master of fantasy literature. So today, when Boing Boing featured a picture of his personal library, I couldn’t help but sit up straight and pay extra attention. photo by Shelfari I stared. I drooled. It was exactly how I pictured his […]

Aug 27, 2009  •  In Art/Design, Home

IKEA Catalog from 1965

Check out these photos of a 1965 IKEA catalog, courtesy of ikke tikke theo‘s parents: These furnishings would be a big hit today especially with the revival of all things ’60s spurred by AMC’s Mad Men. I’m especially digging that orange sofa set. Via You may also like: Giveaway: Home Décor Items from Bedly! […]

Aug 13, 2009  •  In Apple, Home

iMac as Wall Art

I’m ashamed to say that we don’t have much wall decoration in our home, because if we did, I would love to try this: Via Apartment Therapy Unplugged. You may also like: Life Update, 1 Year Later More Technical Issues… Power Issues Giveaway: Celebrate the Release of “Skyfall” on Blu Ray with a $50 Amazon […]

Jul 24, 2009  •  In Art/Design, Funny, Geek, Home, Wishlist

CSS Is Awesome Mug

Today’s product of the day comes courtesy of Boing Boing: Anyone remotely familiar with CSS should get a good chuckle over this mug, which can be purchased at Zazzle. (On a related note, I can personally attest to the quality of Zazzle mugs…just take a look at the Twitter mug I got for J!) You […]

Jul 14, 2009  •  In Art/Design, Home

Time Switch Wall Clock

Whenever I see something like this, I can’t help but wonder, “Why didn’t anyone think of this before?” Designed by Harc Lee, found at Apartment Therapy Unplugged. Genius. You may also like: Giveaway: Home Décor Items from Bedly! Penguin Paperback Style Covers for Video Games Lunar New Year Paper Crafts by Canon IKEA Kitchenware Transformed […]

Nov 19, 2008  •  In Art/Design, Books, Home

Infinity Bookcase

I have an obsession with books and everything books-related. So it came to no surprise when I let out an audible gasp to see this picture: Designed by Dutch artist Job Koelewijn, the Infinity Bookcase symbolizes the infinite power of books and learning. I want to move all the furniture out of our condo so […]

Nov 11, 2008  •  In Art/Design, Home

Digital/Analog Clock

I *heart* this Digital/Analog Clock, debuted at Tokyo Design Week 08. What a sexy blend of the old and the new! Via Gizmodo. You may also like: Giveaway: Home Décor Items from Bedly! Penguin Paperback Style Covers for Video Games Lunar New Year Paper Crafts by Canon IKEA Kitchenware Transformed into Art [Photography]

Aug 9, 2008  •  In Art/Design, Geek, Home, Twitter

Twitter Mug

Earlier this week, I read about the TwitSig mug. Using the TwitSig website, you create your own Twitter image, upload it to Zazzle, and viola! You get your own Twitter mug! (image from the TwitSig Zazzle page) I immediately knew that I needed to get a mug for J, who is one of the most […]

Aug 1, 2008  •  In Home, Korean, Personal


When J was a little kid, his parents bought him a pair of ivory chopsticks that were engraved with his name. Twenty-plus years later, they are still his favorite pair of chopsticks: When J’s parents came to the states for our wedding, they brought me a gift from Hong Kong: my own pair of ivory chopsticks, engraved with […]