SeoulBeats writes: There was a great story about Kpop and how it is becoming a legitimate global force in the music industry on Monocle, an hour long show about international news, culture, and design run by the same team that runs the magazine of the same name for Bloomberg. Based in London, the show’s hosts talked to […]
I’m Not Fat; I Just Have a Big Head
Last week we took Claire in for her 4-month checkup. Our pediatrician declared the baby perfectly normal and healthy for her age…but voiced her concern at Claire’s weight gain. When Claire was born, she weighed 6.7 lbs (23rd percentile) and was 19 inches long (33rd percentile). Currently, Claire weighs 14.6 lbs and is 22.75 inches […]
Happy New Year!
(image courtesy of Little Seouls Blog) I remember when I was little, the best part about New Year’s Day was not the gathering of family or the delicious food. The best part of New Year’s Day for me — and for millions of other Korean kids — was getting dressed in our hanbok (traditional Korean dress) […]
I Am Not a Prisoner
A few days ago, I sent out the following tweet which caused quite a stir: I immediately received dozens of replies, which were soon followed by emails and private messages from those who were worried that I was being held prisoner in my own house. And as much as it warmed my heart to know […]
Asian Emoticon Stamp
J likes to tease me and call me a “twinkie” (yellow on the outside, white on the inside) because I’m not too familiar with the Asian culture. Sure, I like to pretend — and write about it on this blog — but the truth of the matter is that I routinely research and triple-check my […]
Why I Am Scared to “Wear” My Baby
(In addition to the possible suffocation and tailbone issues, that is…) I have a confession to make. I have never stated this publicly because it is a condition that has plagued me for all my life. I was made constantly fun of as a kid because of this, and I still am very sensitive about […]
North Korea is Strong…Oh So Very Strong!
Don’t believe me? Just take a look at the source code of the official webpage of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea: Via The Daily What. You may also like: 3 Things I Found on the Internet Today Browser Girls Because Sharing is Caring [Memos from Nick Fury] Southwest Airlines Landing Gear Failure Prompts Fake […]
Japanese Blood Typing [Infographic]
Like Japan, Korea also has an obsession with blood typing. Celebrity profiles include blood types along with height, weight, and interests. Dating/matchmaking service questionnaires always include blood type as one of the first questions. Casual social interactions usually include the exchange of blood type information. And my mother about had a cow when she discovered […]
Is Your Brain East or West?
Studies have long shown that people of different cultures act differently, but a paper published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology indicates that culture even affects our cognition. Take a look at the images above and try to interpret the overall emotion of the picture. Do your eyes linger on the center man in the […]
Google’s “Graduation”: A Commercial Guaranteed to Bring Tears to Your Eyes
I may be pregnant and hormonal, but I TOTALLY CRIED watching this Google commercial and I’m not ashamed to admit it. This video holds special significance to anyone like me whose parents sacrificed everything to immigrate to a foreign country — a land where they did not know the language, where they were (and continue to […]