Motherhood: The Most Difficult Journey Yet (Part 1) Motherhood: The Most Difficult Journey Yet (Part 2) Motherhood: The Most Difficult Journey Yet (Part 3) Motherhood: The Most Difficult Journey Yet (Part 4) Do what works best for you and your family. I repeat: Do what works best for you and your family. Books, articles, and […]
Motherhood: The Most Difficult Journey Yet (Part 4)
Motherhood: The Most Difficult Journey Yet (Part 1)Motherhood: The Most Difficult Journey Yet (Part 2)Motherhood: The Most Difficult Journey Yet (Part 3) My mother arrived that fateful day with one mission: to take care of her own baby — me. Sure, she wanted to see Claire, hold her and coo over her, but her sole […]
Guest Post: Baby Budgeting — Childcare
Our next post comes from my friend Donna, who has been a tremendous help and support throughout this pregnancy. I had been hoping that a guest blogger would volunteer to do a post on budgeting for a baby, so when she brought up the idea I couldn’t be happier. Donna will be doing a three-part […]
Motherhood: The Most Difficult Journey Yet (Part 3)
Motherhood: The Most Difficult Journey Yet (Part 1) Motherhood: The Most Difficult Journey Yet (Part 2) Before I begin, I wanted to thank everyone for the supportive and helpful comments and advice. It really is encouraging to know that I’m not the only one who feels this way. At the same time, I couldn’t help […]
Motherhood: The Most Difficult Journey Yet (Part 2)
Motherhood: The Most Difficult Journey Yet (Part 1) Breastfeeding. I always knew I wanted to breastfeed. “Babies are born to be breastfed,” La Leche League tells us. Breastmilk is chock-full of nutrients and antibodies that can’t be replicated with formula. It is linked to less health problems for the baby later in life. It helps the […]
Motherhood: The Most Difficult Journey Yet (Part 1)
I pondered whether I should write this series of posts, and I hesitate still as I type these words. But I figure that I can not be the only mother who has these tumultuous feelings (right?) and that if anything, writing this will be therapeutic and beneficial to this new, confused mother. As soon as […]