Yesterday, I had noted that Aerin generally seems to be an easier baby than Claire. I now have another theory as to why may be so: it’s because as second-time parents, we are much more relaxed about EVERYTHING. For example, for the first few months of Claire’s life we religiously tracked her every breath with […]
The State of the Union, 1 Month
Today, our Aerin Isabel turns one month old. And because I know my sister — who is currently living in Paris(!!!) for 3 months — is always begging me for pictures of her nieces, here is the latest of Aerin: One of the most common questions I hear these days is: how is everything going? In other […]
Guest Post: Incorporating a Baby into Your Life
I will be the first to admit that my life has changed tremendously since having kids. Not that I was a party animal before kids, or that J and I regularly took spontaneous trips to Paris, but that I go out A LOT less, and practically every decision I make includes the question “What about […]
Guest Post: Reflections on a Dragon Mom’s Love
Today’s guest post comes from Angela, who not only is a frequent commenter on this blog but keeps her own fantastic mommy blog as well. In this piece, she talks about an article that made its rounds through various internet mommy hangouts last month. I remember reading the article as well, and feeling a mixture […]
The 2-Week Post-Partum Update
Weight Loss:Like my pregnancy with Claire, I had gained about 50 lbs with this pregnancy. I stepped on the scale for the first time this morning since my last OB appointment, and it looks like I’ve lost 25 lbs in the two weeks since giving birth. That leaves ~25 lbs left to go. I’m not […]
Life with Aerin: One Week In
Things have certainly gotten a bit easier on the homefront since my last update. Aerin has finally started to sleep in 2-hour stretches and my sore nipples are starting to toughen up some. Our new life — whilst typically difficult of ones with new babies — is admittedly easier than we had expected, so J […]
Guest Post: Parenthood Got You Down? Maybe It’s Time to be More Positive.
Our next post comes courtesy of Sara of Stinkerpants Designs. Sara’s daughter Charlie is just a couple of months older than Claire, so we’ve been through many milestones and first-time-mother experiences together. And although Sara and I don’t always see eye-to-eye on parenting issues, her personal blog is one of my favorite mommy blogs to […]
Life with Aerin: Day Four
As a testament to how uncomfortable I was in the weeks leading up to the birth of my second child, I felt as light as a feather and wanted to do cartwheels down the maternity ward just hours after delivery. Even day two, when I felt my worst, was far better than my last month of […]
Claire seems to be doing much better this morning. Her fever is gone, she no longer cries out from pain, and she is finally eating. I did not sleep a wink last night from worrying over my sick daughter. Since my in-laws have arrived early this morning to help with the baby, I will now attempt […]
An Ear Infection, and 38 Weeks
Our Claire Bear has an ear infection. 🙁 She woke up several times last night, which we had attributed to teething, and this morning flat-out refused to eat. Then, she woke up from her morning nap with a fever and proceeded to just cry and cry. Coincidentally, Claire’s 1-year pediatrician visit was scheduled for later […]