Have you watched Inception yet? J and I still discuss the film from time to time and plan on watching it a second time just to catch notice of all the finer points of the movie (as well as additional evidence to support our theories). For those, like me, who are still pondering the movie, here […]
“In Your Dreams…”
This is too funny not to share! Via The Daily What. You may also like: If Disney Princesses Had Instagram Grumpy Cat Meets Disney Because Sharing is Caring [Memos from Nick Fury] The Circle of Life
The 5 Levels of ‘Inception’
If you haven’t watched Inception yet, GO WATCH IT NOW. It is by far the best movie I have seen in years — a mindf*ck of which keeps audiences guessing until the end, only to leave the theater with even more questions. It is The Matrix (the original) of this decade. *****SPOILERS BELOW!***** I admit it — […]
The Trend Toward 3-D Movies
Last night, J and I went on a “dinner and a movie” date night: a delicious meal at Red Lobster (I swear that their commercials are targeted for pregnant women!) and a late-night show of Inception (GREAT movie btw…perhaps the best I’ve seen all year!). While sitting through the previews, we couldn’t help but take special […]
First Full-Length Trailer for ‘The Social Network’
I have to admit that one of the main reasons I was intrigued by the upcoming movie The Social Network is due to the fact that the campus scenes were filmed at my old alma mater. Although two trailers had been released previously, they barely showed any scenes from the actual movie. So imagine my […]
The Weaponry of Predators
J and I caught Predators last weekend and it was awesomely bad as expected. I won’t give away any details, but I will say that there is one fantastic death scene that seemed to cause the entire theater to gasp. I’ve always been a sucker for scifi b-movies and the Predator films are no exception (yes, even the AVP movies). […]
Link Dump
Today is a typical day after a holiday weekend in that there were TONS of goodies to be read and discovered on my Google Reader. Instead of creating a separate post for each one of them, I’ve decided to do a monster round-up post of my favorite reads of the day. Some of these are […]
District 11
This may not make sense if you’ve never watched the movie District 9, but those who have will surely appreciate this spoof. Via Miss Cellania. You may also like: Famous Movie Directors as Chefs Parody Posters of 2015 Oscar Nominated Films If Disney Princesses Had Instagram 3 Flowcharts [Sleep, GoT, and World Cup Edition]
The Real-Life Timon and Pumba
I can already hear them singing from my favorite scene in The Lion King: “I can see what’s happening…” “WHAT?” “And they don’t have a clue…” “WHO?” “They’ll fall in love and here’s the bottom line…our trio’s down to two.” “OH.” Via Dogguie. You may also like: Suck My Brick J.J. Abrams Personally Solves Kid’s Algebra […]
Harry Potter Grows Old
You know the last scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows? A glimpse into the happy future that Harry was able to provide for him and his friends? Well, I guess they’ve started to film that scene because I’ve got pictures of what Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Draco will look like! I personally cannot […]