On October 2, Michael Moore’s new movie Capitalism: A Love Story will be released. Although I don’t agree with all of Mr. Moore’s political views, his last movie Sicko was an eye-opener and I couldn’t help but cringe at our flawed healthcare system. As a victim of this recession, I will be sure to watch […]
The Blunt Man’s Plot Summaries
postmodernbarney.com has a list of movie and television show plot summaries that you will simply not forget. Here are my favorites: 300: Gays kill blacks. 8 MILE: White man successfully coopts black culture to impress other whites. BATMAN: Wealthy man assaults the mentally ill. BEAUTY AND THE BEAST: Peasant girl develops Stockholm Syndrome. BLADE: Obsessed […]
Tim Burton’s “Alice in Wonderland” Teaser Video (Updated)
All I can say is: Oh…my…GAWD….. I can’t wait for this movie! (Thanks to @Willpower101 for the correct link!) You may also like: The World of Star Wars: A Timeline Visualization Famous Movie Directors as Chefs My Surprising Reaction to Fifty Shades of Grey The Inspiration Behind Lando Calrissian’s Helmet Design
My Awesome HP6 Experience (No Spoilers)
Last night, as a true geek, I attended the 12:01am show for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I loved the movie – I think it was the best Harry Potter movie yet, although most of my friends disagree. There was a perfect balance of variations from the book vs keeping true to the overall […]
Lee Byung Hun in G.I. Joe… Unmasked!
While Hallyu (aka the Korean Wave) has been sweeping across the eastern hemisphere like a tazmanian devil on crack, Korean stars have yet to penetrate the fickle and demanding world of Hollywood. Until just recently, Korean celebrities’ foray into American pop culture could be summed up in two words: epic fail. Take Rain, for example. […]
“Welcome to The Rock”
Guess what movie is playing on TNT right now! Another Nicholas Cage classic, The Rock… This movie always brings a smile to my face because it reminds me of my friend Steve, who is undoubtedly one of the funniest people I know. Not too long after the movie was released, he flexed his arm and […]
Back with a Vengeance
I shall make no excuses. I have been a bad blogger, and that is that. I resolve to: Get back into my regular blogging rhythm Go through my starred items in Gmail and inbox in Facebook and reply to all the messages that have been pouring in (I am so sorry!) Finish going […]
‘Twilight’ Translated by Cracked
You already know my thoughts on Twilight. I always thought I was in the minority for not falling head over heels for the story. That’s why it delights me whenever I find someone who agrees that it ain’t all that. Cracked has written a hilarious post titled, If ‘Twilight’ Was 10 Times Shorter And 100 […]
A Dark Alice by Tim Burton
I was stoked when I first read of the live-action remake of Alice in Wonderland…directed by Tim Burton. Anne Hathaway as The White Queen. Helena Bonham Carter as The Red Queen. Alan Rickman as The Caterpillar. …and Johnny Depp as The Mad Hatter. Can you say “Holy dark pathological classic, Batman!”? Yesterday, my thoughts were […]
Notorious Trailer
My first boyfriend was a gangsta. It was the stereotypical good girl-bad boy relationship. Although it was probably the unhealthiest relationship I’ve ever been in, I picked up quite a few things from him. For example, I’ve only tried weed a couple of times, but I can discern between the different strains and can distinguish […]