Claire loves fish. I mean, girlfriend has to point out every single one whenever she comes across an aquarium. As such, it came as no surprise that Finding Nemo quickly became one of her favorite movies. But as much as I love the adventurous tale of Marlin and Dory on a journey to find Nemo, I can only […]
Fashion on the Big Screen: Guess the Films!
Would you be able to recognize famous movies just based on clothes and accessories? French magazine Sport & Style has put this to the test with an editorial spread titled La Mode en Grand Écran, or Fashion on the Big Screen. Each photograph, taken by Candice Milon, features neatly laid out ensembles from some of the world’s most […]
Joss Whedon’s Secret Plan
I believe that The Avengers was one of the most entertaining movies I have seen this year. And after having re-discovered my love for Firefly earlier this summer by rewatching all the episodes (and the movie)… How could I not share this fantastic cartoon by Gutters? Oh if only this were the case… P.S. — I once read […]
1988: A Great Year for Movies
Illustrator Andrew Wilson has done a fantastic job creating the following poster in celebration of some of the greatest movies of 1988. Can you recognize all four movies referenced in the poster? I’m loving the tributes to Akira and Beetlejuice, but I’m a bit disappointed that another great 1988 movie — Die Hard — wasn’t included. (Did you […]
This Past Week…
I went out for the first time in I don’t even remember when and two great things happened. The first: I got carded! The second: I got hit on by three different guys — mama’s still got it! I was rewarded for my adventures the next morning with a raging hangover. I definitely can’t handle […]
The Movie Genres Recipe [Infographic]
Here are some popular movie genres, visually boiled down to their basic components. I especially love the last element of the Alien Invasion Movie Recipe! It’s interesting to see how many of my favorite films follow these recipes to a tee; I guess it just goes to show that formulas for success exist for a […]
Harry Potter Characters: Books vs Movies
Via Out of Print. You may also like: The World of Star Wars: A Timeline Visualization Parody Posters of 2015 Oscar Nominated Films Into the Great Unknown Illustrator Gives Western Fairy Tales a Korean Makeover
Batman Through the Ages [Infographic]
There’s only a week and a half left until The Dark Knight Rises hits the theaters! Is anyone else as excited as I am??!!! Because if rumors are to be believed, this final installment of the Christopher Nolan trilogy will be the best yet — and nobody can deny that The Dark Knight will be pretty difficult […]
A Handy Vampire Hunter Comparison Chart
Sorry for the lack of posts as of late. Just as Claire got better from her cold, I caught it…and managed to pass it on to Aerin as well. 🙁 The good news? J’s parents gave me some Chinese cough medicine that made me feel infinitely better. Only when I looked at the label did I […]
Pocket Princesses [Cute and Hilarious Comics featuring Disney’s Princesses]
I am LOVING these comics by Amy Mebberson. Titled Pocket Princesses, this whimsical series features the day-to-day lives of Disney heroines as they attempt to live with each other, out here in the real world. You may also like: If Disney Princesses Had Instagram Marvelous Street Fighter + Minions Mashup Grumpy Cat Meets Disney Vampire Identification Chart