Oct 7, 2013  •  In Depression, Personal

Darkness Comes Again

A couple of weeks ago, I saw the following comic strip in a Buzzfeed article titled “21 Comics That Capture the Frustrations of Depression“: (source) There were many comics on that list to which I could relate all too well, but this one particularly hit me hard. And before I knew it, tears were flowing […]

Sep 30, 2013  •  In Claire, Personal

Happy Birthday, Claire!

Exactly 3 years ago today (on September 30, 2010 at 9:25pm ET), our Claire Emmanuelle entered the world. Face scrunched and red, fists tightly clenched, and already lifting her head just a few minutes after birth, I knew right then and there that she would be a special one. Now, at 3(!) years old, Claire […]

Sep 12, 2013  •  In Aerin, Parenting, Personal

Aerin’s First Speech Therapy Session

I really, really liked our speech pathologist. She was gentle yet firm. She was kind and patient. And most importantly (at least to me), she understood that all kids are different, and that they learn in different ways and at different rates. Unlike the ladies who did our evaluations, our speech pathologist (let’s call her […]

Sep 11, 2013  •  In NYC, Personal


Today, we remember. Via StoryPeople. You may also like: New York Basketball Is Back Hurricane Sandy: The Aftermath Anyone Else Going LINsane? Snowtober 2011

Sep 10, 2013  •  In Personal

3 Things That Make Me Feel Like an Asshole

One. Sometimes, it’s really, really tiring being three people’s favorite person. Oh noes! You’re so loved! Barf. I know. I need to get over myself. Two. I’m so sick of being my parents’ translator (I have been so since before I turned 10). Phone calls, meetings, letters…managing your own adult life can be tough in […]

Sep 4, 2013  •  In Claire, Motherhood, Parenting, Personal

Claire’s First Day of School

Today is our Claire Emmanuelle’s first day of preschool. A couple of weeks ago, the school invited new parents for an orientation night. While the director was giving us tips on how to help our children adjust to attending school for the first time, she noted, “I see that many of the parents here are […]

Sep 3, 2013  •  In Entertainment, Personal

The Seasons When Your Favorite TV Shows Peaked

Popular television shows + IMDB user reviews + graphs. Need I say more? My favorite season of Breaking Bad is actually the first one. For me, the graph would more closelyresemble a shallow U. I haven’t watched The Simpsons in a while, but it’s still interesting to see the progression of theworld’s longest-running sitcom. I’m […]

Aug 28, 2013  •  In Aerin, Claire, Personal

Wordless Wednesday Post

Not really. Wanted to pop in to say that Aerin and I must have caught something at the ENT specialist’s office (there were a lot of sniffly kids in the waiting room). We’re starting to feel better now, but BOY am I looking forward to having a healthy family again! The picture above was taken […]

Aug 26, 2013  •  In Aerin, Motherhood, Personal

Two Counts of Medical Drama, Act Two

I brought Aerin to see an ENT specialist on Friday morning, just before I headed over to my parents’. And what the doctor found wasn’t too pretty. First, he found some obstruction (a combination of dead skin cells and earwax) deep inside her ear canal. He was able to remove it with a special instrument, […]