Apr 7, 2013  •  In Aerin, Claire, Parenting, Personal

The OCD Nut vs. Mini-Godzilla

Claire has a careful, meticulous personality that borders on being OCD. When she notices a speck of dirt anywhere, she will point it out to me. When there is a wet spot on the floor, she will wipe it up. And just recently, she has started to come to me with her teeny weeny hangnails, […]

Mar 26, 2013  •  In Food, Personal, Travel

Miss Me Yet?

On my way back from Montréal, I was detained at the U.S.-Canadian border for the transportation of contraband items across international lines. I was subjected to a full-body search, a background check, and a lengthy interrogation. Eventually, my family was forced to contact the U.S. embassy to plead for my release. Just kidding. What really happened […]

Mar 15, 2013  •  In Personal

Why You Should Regularly Check Your Passport

Because right now, I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. (Written while waiting for my plane at Laguardia. Eek! I’m so excited!) You may also like: Life Update, 1 Year Later The Neverending Period My Top 7 Foundations Happy Father’s Day

Mar 15, 2013  •  In Personal


Sorry for the lack of updates — it’s been another crazy week! I promise I’ll write more later, but for now, I must be off…because I’m going to Montréal this weekend for my sister’s bachelorette party! (image source) I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! You may also like: Life Update, 1 Year Later The […]

Mar 11, 2013  •  In Gadgets, Geek, Personal, Reviews, Web

Prey: An Essential for Gadget Lovers

I left one very important item off my Samsung Galaxy Note II review. (And as soon as I finish writing this, I will be updating the review with a link to this post!) And that is Prey — an open-source software that lets you track (and potentially recover) your stolen laptop, cell phone, or tablet. I […]

Mar 8, 2013  •  In Beauty, Giveaways, Personal, Reviews

The Search for the Most Comfortable, Most Natural-Looking Circle Lenses…And an EyeCandy’s Giveaway!

Ever since I discovered the Neo Natural Touch Brown circle lenses, I had been on somewhat of a circle lens craze. This is not to say that I have been mindlessly purchasing circle lenses of every color and every design. Rather, I had a specific goal in mind: to find the most comfortable, most natural-looking lenses for […]

Mar 6, 2013  •  In Gadgets, Geek, Personal, Reviews

My Samsung Galaxy Note II Review

A couple of weeks ago, I gathered up some information (how long I’ve been with Verizon Wireless, how much I spend per month, how I always pay my bill on time, and what other carriers are offering) and made a call to customer service. “My current phone is DYING,” I pleaded. “I’ve taken it to […]

Mar 3, 2013  •  In Parenting, Personal, Relationships

Only When It’s Gone…

Last year, I had an unfortunate accident which led to a herniated disc in my neck. I obviously could not take care of both girls by myself with the injury and its corresponding treatments; I ended up staying at my parents’ in the suburbs for almost 2 months so that they and my sister could […]